Once the facility and equipment are registered with the agency, an initial inspection will be conducted after 12 months of operation.

In our inspections, we concentrate on the proper performance of the equipment, quality control procedures, radiation protection, and operator qualifications.

After the initial inspection, we inspect facilities at the following regular intervals.

X-Ray Facility/Equipment Inspection Frequency

  • Chiropractors - Every 2 years
  • Dental - Every 4 years
  • Hospitals - Once a year
  • Mammography - Once a year
  • Podiatry - Every 2 years
  • Radiation Therapy - Once a year
  • Veterinarians - Every 3 years
  • All Other Medical - Every 2 years
  • Academic - Every 5 years
  • Analytical/Industrial - Every 5 years
  • Prisons - Every 5 years
  • Security - Every 5 years

Inspections Following Violations

We may conduct unannounced follow-up inspections in response to violations cited during an inspection.

FDA Compliance Inspections

SCDES may also conduct federal compliance inspections for the Food and Drug Administration within 1 year after new equipment is installed, regardless of the inspection schedule listed above.

To Help You Prepare for Inspections

For advice on preparing for inspections, read our Regulatory Guides.