Once a construction permit has been obtained and construction completed, a facility must request an operating permit. Operating permits are a compilation of facility-wide equipment, emissions limitations, record keeping and reporting requirements, including specific requirements from construction permit(s). The operating permit is revised as facilities make changes such as equipment replacement, expansion or other operational changes. Additionally, operating permit revisions include incorporating any new construction permit activities.

The Department currently issues three types of air quality operating permits:

State Minor Operating Permit

The state minor source program regulates smaller sources of air pollution. A minor source facility potentially emits less than 100 tons per year (TPY) of any criteria pollutant (CO, PM10, PM2.5, NOX, SO2, Pb, VOCs) and less than 10 TPY of any single hazardous air pollutant (HAP) or less than 25 TPY of combined HAPs.

Conditional Major Operating Permit

Facilities that meet the definition of a major source (see Title V section) may request a federally enforceable conditional major operating permit to limit potential emissions to minor source thresholds.

Title V Operating Permit (Major Source)

This major source operating permit program regulates larger sources of air pollution. A Title V operating permit is a comprehensive and federally enforceable operating permit that requires U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) review and a public comment period before issuance. A major source facility potentially emits 100 tons per year (TPY) or more of any criteria pollutant (CO, PM10, PM2.5, NOX, SO2, Pb, VOCs) and/or 10 TPY or more of any single hazardous air pollutant (HAP) or 25 TPY of combined HAPs.

Title V Modifications

  • Administrative Amendment

Administrative Amendment (AA) permit modifications are typically requested for incorporating changes into the Title V Operating permit for typographical errors, more frequent monitoring or reporting, transfer of ownership, change of name or similar administrative change at the facility.

  • Minor Modification

Minor Modification (MM) permit modifications are typically requested for minor modifications to an emission unit, and incorporation of preconstruction review permit requirements in accordance with S.C. Regulation 61-62.70, Title V Operating Permit Program, Section 70.7(d)(1)(v). The MM procedure is used for public noticed synthetic minor construction permits that establish "applicable requirements" to be incorporated into a Title V Permit.

  • 502(b)(10)

502(b)(10) (S.C. Regulation 61-62.70.7(e)(5)) changes allow a facility to make changes without making a permit revision if the changes are neither modifications under Title I nor changes that contravene an express permit term. The facility gives a 7-day advance notice to BAQ and the EPA prior to operating the change at the facility. No action is required by the BAQ or the EPA. The facility attaches a copy to the permit.

  • Significant Modification

Significant modifications are changes that typically result in major changes in emission limits or permit conditions. The source cannot implement the requested change until the permit is revised, which can take up to 270 days after submittal of the Significant Modification request.

Requesting an Operating Permit

Fill out the appropriate Operating Permit Application Form, along with all information required by the form or form instructions.

Public Notice Period and EPA Review

Public Notice (30 days) is required for the following:

  •  Conditional Major when updating or establishing new federally enforceable limit(s)
  • Title V
    • New
    • Renewal
    • Significant Modification

EPA Review (45 days) is required for the following:

  • Title V
    • New
    • Renewal
    • Significant Modification
    • Minor Modifications

Application and Emission Fee

Application Fees: None
Annual Emissions Fees: Visit our Emissions Inventory section to see Emissions Fee Chart.