What kind of photos should I submit?
We are looking for coastal South Carolina scenes including marshes, beaches, or wildlife.
What are the rules?
- Pictures must be the original work of the photographer
- Horizontal/landscape orientation is required
- Digital photos are accepted with a limit of three (3) pictures per contestant
- Individual photos should not exceed a file size of 65 megabytes
- All entries must be submitted between August 1 and September 15, 2024
What do I win?
The winning photo will appear on SCDES's 2025 Tide Table Poster.
How do I submit entries?
Go to the photo contest entry form.
Who do I contact with contest questions?
For questions about the contest, contact Kelly Harris, Outreach Project Manager, at kelly.harris@des.sc.gov or (843) 953-0233.
Contestant Release
I authorize the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) to use any image(s) I submit of coastal South Carolina scenes on the 2025 Tide Tables, if my photograph is chosen as the winner of the SCDES Coastal Photography Contest.
I understand and agree, even if the image(s) I submit are not chosen as the winner of the SCDES Coastal Photography Contest, any/all image(s) I submit may be used in other SCDES publications, website, videos, or film for promotional purposes with attribution. I understand and agree any/all image(s) I submit, without personal identifying information or metadata other than photographer's name, may be disclosed to the news media and/or the public in an effort to promote environmental protection and conservation efforts. I also understand any/all image(s) I submit will be in the public domain, and may be used for purposes other than intended or identified in this document. I understand and agree that SCDES will have no control over the re-release and use of these images by any media outlets, and cannot be responsible for their reuse and publication.
I understand that agreeing to these terms is a condition precedent to my participation in the SCDES Coastal Photography Contest.
I understand I am not required to participate in this contest.
By submitting an image for the purpose of entering the SCDES Coastal Photography Contest, I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and I grant SCDES permission to use or disclose the image(s) as previously specified.