Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services will be migrating email services and staff will be unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Phone calls and text messages will not be interrupted during the email outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.


The Bureau of Water (Bureau) maintains three different NPDES/ND mailing lists which are used to send interested parties copies of NPDES and ND permit public notices. In order to get on a mailing list, please contact Patricia G. Barnes. The three types of mailing lists are as follows:

When the Bureau issues an NPDES or ND public notice, a copy of the notice is mailed to the appropriate persons on these mailing lists. This allows interested citizens, companies, etc., to be informed on proposed and existing NPDES and ND permits that they are interested in.

The Bureau periodically updates these lists by sending a letter to everyone on the lists. The letter asks them if they want to stay on the list. If no response is received within the time specified in the letter, the individual is deleted from the mailing list. If your address changes, please send your new address to the Bureau. Failure to notify the Bureau of an address change may result in your deletion from the mailing lists when the annual update occurs.

The Bureau of Water is committed to meaningful public involvement in the NPDES and ND Permit Programs. Your suggestions on improving public involvement in this program are welcomed.

Individual Facility List

The individual facility list allows an interested party to receive all NPDES and ND public notices on facilities of interest to them. This list is recommended by the Bureau to environmental groups, professional associations, and other citizens with a particular interest in specific facilities. Since NPDES permits are issued for up to five years and ND permits are issued for up to ten years, people on this list will not receive very many notices on each facility of interest. However, if you get on the facility list, you are more assured that you won't overlook a public notice of interest as is possible with the statewide list.

County List

The county mailing list allows an interested party to receive all NPDES and ND public notices on facilities located in counties of interest. This list is recommended by the Bureau to environmental groups, professional associations, and citizens with interest in facilities located in certain counties. People on this list will receive a varying number of notices depending on the counties of interest, but the number of notices will be significantly less than the statewide list.

Statewide List

The statewide list allows an interested party to receive all NPDES and ND public notices on facilities throughout South Carolina. Environmental groups, law firms, engineering firms, professional associations, and state and federal agencies are normally found on this list. People on this list can expect to receive approximately 300 public notices each year.

Getting on a Mailing List

To get on one of the NPDES/ND public notice mailing lists, you must give the Bureau your name, affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone number, and which list you want to be on. You may ask to be on more than one list.

If you ask to be on the "Facility List," please include the name, county, and, if known, the NPDES or ND permit number of each facility that you are interested in. If you want to get on the "County List," please include the name of each county of interest. Please remember that while you may only have interest in one county it would be wise to include counties that are "upstream" of the county of interest to you. This will ensure that you get all public notices on proposed and existing discharges of interest to you.

You may call the Bureau of Water at (803) 898-4300 to get on any of these lists. If you call, please tell the telephone receptionist that you need to talk to someone in the NPDES/ND Permit Administration Section. You will then be transferred to the appropriate person. However, rather than call, we recommend that you send an email, or a written request to us at the following address:

NPDES/ND Permit Administration 
2600 Bull Street 
Columbia, SC 29201

Once you are added to a list, you will receive a notification from the Bureau confirming that you have been added to a specific list.


Patricia G. Barnes , (803) 898-4232