- Bureau of Air Quality
- Air Permitting
- Construction Applications
- Registration Permit Applications
- General Permit Applications for Asphalt and Concrete Plants
- Notification (For use by all permitted sources) Plants
- Operating Permit Applications
- Title V Application (New & Renewal)
- Title V Application (Modification)
- Title V Annual Compliance Certification (TVACC)
- Asbestos
- Emissions Inventory
- Ground-level Ozone Nonattainment Areas: Reporting Requirements
- Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)
- Monitoring and Reporting
- Source Evaluation/Stack Testing
- Air Permitting
- Environmental Health
- Bureau of Land & Waste Management
- Bureau of Coastal Management
- Bureau of Water
- Agricultural Facilities
- Dams
- Drinking Water
- Groundwater Monitoring
- (Groundwater) Underground Injection Control
- Groundwater Use
- Navigable Waters
- Pesticides - NPDES
- Private Well
- Recreational Waters
- State Revolving Fund
- Stormwater - NPDES
- Wastewater - Compliance
- Wastewater - Construction
- Wastewater - ND Permits
- Wastewater - NPDES
- Critical Area/Wetlands Permitting
- Downloads & Links
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Expedited Review Request Form - Air Quality Construction Permits - Request for submittal of construction applications into the Expedited Review Program PSD - Modifications Expedited Fee Memo | D-2212 | Apply Online |
Construction Permit Application - For sources requesting to install new or modify existing equipment. | D-2566 | Apply Online |
Emission Point Information Form - Provides Source Dispersion Parameters for any new sources or any revised sources. | D-2573 | Apply Online |
For more information about construction permits, please visit the Air Quality Construction Permits page.
For more detailed information about the registration permits visit the Air Quality General and Registration Permits webpage.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
General Permit Application for Asphalt Plants - Used to request coverage under any of the General Asphalt Permits. | D-4111 | Apply Online |
General Permit Application for Concrete Plants - Used to request coverage under any of the General Concrete Permits. | D-2068 | Apply Online |
Relocation Application for Concrete Plants - Used to request relocation of concrete plant | D-2639 | Apply Online |
For more detailed information about the general permits visit the Air Quality General and Registration Permits websites.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Start of Construction Notification - Identifies all of the equipment and control devices, as listed in the original construction permit, for which construction has started. | D-2572 | Apply Online |
Facility Information Update - For use by all facilities to update general facility information and to transfer operating or construction permits to a new owner (Physical Address, Facility Name, Contact Information, etc.). | D-2959 | Apply Online |
Air Permit Cancellation - For use by existing permitted sources to request cancellation of all air permits due to facility closure. | D-2374 | Apply Online |
Low NOX Burner Assembly Replacement Notification - For notifying the Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) that the facility is replacing an existing burner assembly per SC Regulation 61-62.5, Standard 5.2. | D-2935 | Apply Online |
Facility Relocation Application - For use by existing permitted sources to request permission for relocation of the permitted source. | D-0662 | Apply Online |
Operating Ranges - For use by existing permitted sources to submit required operating permit ranges in accordance with issued permits. | D-0304 | Apply Online |
For more detailed information about these forms contact Permit Writer on Call at (803) 898-4123.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Operating Permit Request - Used to request Operating Permit, to modify an existing operating permit, to notify BAQ of initial start-up of equipment, and to certify that construction was performed per an issued construction permit. This form can be used by a Title V facility to request an operating permit under SC Regulation 61-62.1 prior to a Title V permit being issued. | D-2574 | Apply Online |
State Operating and Conditional Major Permit Renewal Application- For use by facilities requesting renewal of their State or Conditional Major Operating Permit. | D-2955 | Apply Online |
Paper applications for Title V sources will no longer be accepted after January 1, 2024. All submissions should be submitted through ePermitting. This includes permit applications, reports, source testing etc.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Air Permitting - Title V | --- | Apply Online |
Air Permitting - Title V Renewal | --- | Apply Online |
The South Carolina approved Insignificant Activities List can be found here. | --- | --- |
Paper applications for Title V sources will no longer be accepted after January 1, 2024. All submissions should be submitted through ePermitting. This includes permit applications, reports, source testing etc.
Form Name | DHEC Form # | ePermitting |
Air Permitting - Title V Modification | --- | Apply Online |
Air Permitting - Title V 502(b)(10) Modification (Form can be found as an as needed schedule.) | --- | Apply Online |
For more information about operating permits please visit the Air Quality Operating Permits webpage.
Paper applications for Title V sources will no longer be accepted after January 1, 2024. All submissions should be submitted through ePermitting. This includes permit applications, reports, source testing, etc.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Air - TMS - TV Annual Compliance Certification - required annual certification from Title V permitted facilities to list deviations from the terms or conditions in their Title V permits. | --- | Apply Online |
For more information or questions about our forms, please visit the Compliance Reporting webpage or contact Brittany Staples at (803) 898-3891.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Demolition License Application - for the notification of regulated demolition projects. | D-3428 | Apply Online |
Asbestos Abatement Project License Application - for the notification of regulated asbestos abatement projects. | D-3430 | Apply Online |
Abatement Project Quarterly Report - for the quarterly reporting of small-scale abatement projects by facilities holding a Group License (i.e., Industrial Manufacturing & Electrical Generating Facilities). | D-3575 | Apply Online |
Waste Shipment Record - for the documentation of asbestos-waste transport and disposal. Please submit this as a schedule on your existing removal permit | ------ | Submit Online |
For more detailed information about Asbestos Forms, visit the Asbestos Resources page or contact Jennifer Boryk at (803) 898-2634.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Notification of Non-Friable Asbestos Abatement Project - for obtaining disposal authorization to transport nonregulated asbestos-containing materials to a SCDES approved landfill. | D-3654 | Apply Online |
Notification of Residential Non-Friable Asbestos Abatement Project - for obtaining disposal authorization to transport nonregulated asbestos-containing materials removed from a nonregulated residence to a SCDES approved landfill. | D-3653 | Apply Online |
Temporary Asbestos Storage Containment Area License Application - for obtaining authorization to temporarily store waste from Small and Minor projects at a specified location by Non-industrial Facilities and Asbestos Abatement Contractors. | D-3423 | Apply Online |
Temporary Asbestos Storage License Application Directions - directions for completing the Temporary Asbestos Storage Containment Area License application. | ------ | ------ |
For more detailed information about Asbestos Forms, visit the Asbestos Resources page or contact Jennifer Boryk at (803) 898-2634.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Asbestos Abatement License Application - for obtaining personnel and contractor licensing for disciplines described here. | D-2925 | Apply Online |
Application Form for Asbestos Group License - for obtaining Industrial Group Licenses or Non-industrial Facility Operations & Maintenance (O & M) Licenses. | D-3422 | Apply Online |
For more detailed information about Asbestos Forms, visit the Asbestos Resources page or contact Jennifer Boryk at (803) 898-2634.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Application for Asbestos Training Course Approval (pdf) - for seeking SCDES approval to conduct asbestos training in South Carolina. | D-3895 | Apply Online |
Application for Asbestos Instructor Approval (pdf) - for any individual seeking approval as an instructor for any asbestos course discipline regulated by SCDES. | D-3894 | Apply Online |
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Emission Inventory Point Source Data Report - SCDES has developed and now requires Emissions Inventories to be performed and submitted using SLEIS. Use of this form to report an Emissions Inventory is only allowed at the request of or with the written permission of the Emissions Inventory Section of SCDES's Bureau of Air Quality. | D-1904 | Apply Online |
Electronic Signature Agreement - This form must be submitted to allow access for data entry in SCDES's electronic inventory system, SLEIS. All persons who are to enter data into the system must be noted on the form. It must be signed by the responsible official at the facility and mailed to the Manager of the Emissions Inventory Section. | D-1040 | Apply Online |
For more detailed information about performing an emission inventory or HAP Emission Summary, visit the Emissions Inventory webpage or contact Chad Wilbanks at (803) 898-4106.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Emissions Statement Reporting Form - Section 182(a)(3)(B) of the Clean Air Act requires South Carolina's State Implementation Plan (SIP) to contain a requirement for all owners or operators of stationary sources located in a nonattainment area that emit either NOX or VOC to submit a statement of actual emissions annually. | D-1216 | Apply Online |
For more detailed information about Emissions Statement Reporting Form, please visit the Reporting Requirements for Ground-level Ozone Nonattainment Areas webpage or contact Chad Wilbanks at (803) 898-4106.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Ongoing Compliance Report, Subpart N - 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart N: National Emission Standards for Chromium Emissions from Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks | D-2909 | Apply Online |
The following forms were created to assist facilities with reporting required by construction or operating permits. Use of these forms is not mandatory. These forms are intended for guidance purposes only and may not be applicable to all facilities. Some forms require manipulation so that spreadsheets represent materials used at your facility.
For more information or questions about our forms, please visit the Compliance Reporting webpage or contact Brittany Staples at (803) 898-3891.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Site-Specific Test Plan Outline - Prior to conducting a source test subject to Regulation 61-62.1 Section IV, the owner or operator are required to submit a site-specific test plan detailing all source testing methods to be used at a permitted facility. | ------ | Apply Online |
For more information about source evaluation, contact Michael Verzwyvelt at (803) 898-1789.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Application for Permit to Construct an Individual Sewage Treatment and Disposal System | Apply Online |
Application for License to Construct or Clean Onsite Wastewater Systems and Self-Contained Toilets | D-1777 |
Bureau of Environmental Health Services, Onsite Wastewater Management Division: 1-(855)-731-2504.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Application for Laboratory Certification - Use this form to apply for SCDES laboratory certification | D-2802 |
Instructions for Completing Laboratory Certification Application - Instructions for Form D-2802 | D-2802i |
Chlorite Analysis form (pdf) - This form is designed for laboratories performing chlorite and/or chlorine dioxide analyses. | ---- |
Colilert-18® Fecal Coliform QC Form (pdf) - This is an example form for performing media quality control checks with pure cultures for fecal coliform analyses. | ---- |
Colilert® QC Form (pdf) - This is an example form for performing media quality control checks with pure cultures for total coliform/E. coli analyses. | ---- |
Colilert Quanti-Tray® Total Coliform/E. coli MPN Form (pdf) - This form is designed for laboratories performing total coliform/E. coli MPN analyses using the Quanti-Tray®. | ---- |
Colilert-18 Quanti-Tray® Fecal Coliform MPN Form (pdf) - This form is designed for laboratories performing fecal coliform MPN analyses using the Quanti-Tray®. | ---- |
Enterococci Medium Quality Control Record (08/05) (pdf) - This is an example record that the laboratory may use to record the quality control checks performed on the medium. | ---- |
Enterolert© Sample Analysis Form (10/06) (pdf) - This is a form that laboratories may use when recording enterolert© results. | ---- |
Initial Demonstration of Capability (IDOC) form (pdf) - This form is designed for laboratories performing organic analyses. The form includes all required information to make the necessary review possible. Please ensure that when applying for certification, the IDOC studies submitted include all of the information included on this form. | ---- |
Method Detection Limit (MDL) form (pdf) - This form is designed for laboratories performing organic analyses. The form includes all required information to make the necessary review possible. Please ensure that when applying for certification, the MDL studies submitted include all of the information included on this form. | ---- |
Spore Ampule Sterilization Confirmation (pdf) - This is an example form for performing spore ampule sterilization checks on the autoclave. | ---- |
Bureau of Environmental Health Services, Office of Laboratory Certification - Phone: (803) 896-0970 Fax: (803) 896-0850.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Drycleaner Eligibility Application - Drycleaner Eligibility Application | D-3469 |
Drycleaner Notice of Property Transfer or Name Change - Drycleaner Notice of Property Transfer or Name Change | D-2057 |
Drycleaner Containment Structure Certification Form - Drycleaner Containment Structure Certification Form | D-3879 |
For more information or questions about our Drycleaning Forms, please contact Robert Hodges at (803)-898-0919.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Covered Electronic Devices Manufacturer Registration (D-2425) | D-2425 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Monitoring Well Approval - Apply for a well location and parameters to be monitored. | D-3736 |
For more information or questions about Groundwater Monitoring Wells, please contact Robert Cole at (803)-898-0802.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Hazardous Waste Transporter Permit Application - Hazardous Waste Transporter Permit Application | ------ |
Notification of Regulated Waste Activity Form - The Notification and Reporting Form is used by companies that are required under the South Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Regulations to notify the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) that they are involved in hazardous waste activities. SCDES is responsible for assigning the Environmental Protection Agency Identification Number (EPA ID #). | EPA 8700-12 |
Quarterly Hazardous Waste Report Codes - Form Codes, Management Method Codes, Source Codes, and Waste Minimization Codes | ------ |
Quarterly Hazardous Waste Report - Generation and On-Site Treatment, Storage, Disposal and Recovery - "Generation and On-Site T,S,D,R" - This form is used to report the amount IN POUNDS of hazardous waste generated during a quarter. Any waste generated on-site and then treated, stored, (accumulated), disposed of (on-site) or recovered should be reported on this form. The treatment, disposal and recovery activities mentioned here may require either currently having Interim Status or obtaining a Hazardous Waste Permit from SCDES. Large Quantity Generators are allowed to store (accumulate) hazardous waste under 90 days without a permit. The EPA ID # and name of all initial transporters who hauled hazardous waste for you during this quarter. | D-1962 |
Quarterly Hazardous Waste Report - Waste Shipped Off-Site for Treatment, Storage, Disposal and Recovery (Instructions) - "Waste Shipped Off-Site for T,S,D,R" - This form is a log of manifested hazardous waste shipments transported off-site for a quarter. | D-1963 |
Quarterly Hazardous Waste Report - Off-Site Facility Report (Instructions) - "Off-Site Facility Report" - This form is to be completed only by those companies who accept hazardous waste that was generated by other companies for the purpose of treatment, storage, disposal and/or recovery. The treatment, storage, disposal and recovery activities mentioned here require either currently having Interim Status or obtaining a Hazardous Waste Permit from SCDES. | D-1964 |
Hazardous Waste Index (Instructions) - "Hazardous Waste Index" - This form is used to create an index of all the hazardous waste streams a company generates. When a new waste stream is generated, this form is to be completed and submitted with the rest of the quarterly report forms. Please do not repeat old waste stream information. This form is never required to be completed by those companies who submit an Annual Declaration. | D-1965 |
The correct information should be: For more information or questions about Regulated Waste Activity, Hazardous Waste Transporters, and Hazardous Waste Reporting Forms, please contact Tom Richmond at (803) 898-0464.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Checklist for Infectious Waste Management Plan Review - Checklist for Infectious Waste Management Plan Review | ------ | Apply Online |
Infectious Waste Generator Registration - Infectious Waste Generator Registration | D-1999 | Apply Online |
Infectious Waste Transporter Registration - Infectious Waste Transporter Registration | D-3408 | Apply Online |
Infectious Waste Transporter Certificate of Insurance - Infectious Waste Transporter Certificate of Insurance | D-3407 | Apply Online |
Infectious Waste Manifest - The Program recommends that the Infectious Waste Manifest be printed as a four page carbonless form. It is also recommended that the four pages be printed on different color paper. | D-2116 | Apply Online |
For more information or questions about Infectious Waste Reporting Forms, please contact Kim Clyburn at (803) 898-0239.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
MR-200: Application for an Exploration Certificate ($300.00 fee) - Application for an Exploration Certificate ($300.00 fee) | D-3100 |
MR-300: Reclamation Plan for Exploration - Reclamation Plan for Exploration | D-3101 |
MR-400GP1: Notice of Intent for Coverage Under a General Mine Operating Permit (with instructions) ($600 fee) - Click here if site is located in Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry, or Jasper counties. Click here for GP1 Permit/Reclamation Plan. A NPDES permit is required for all mine sites. | D-3114 |
MR-400: Application for a Mine Operating Permit ($600 fee ) - Click here if site is located in Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry, or Jasper counties. Click here for Information to Mine in Water Bodies | D-3102 |
MR-500: Reclamation Plan for an Individual Mine Operating Permit - Reclamation Plan for an Individual Mine Operating Permit | D-3103 |
MR-600: Land Entry Agreement for Land Owned by Mine Operator - Land Entry Agreement for Land Owned by Mine Operator | D-3104 |
MR-700: Land Entry Agreement for Land Leased by Mine Operator - Land Entry Agreement for Land Leased by Mine Operator | D-3105 |
MR-800: Reclamation Bond Form to Post a Surety Bond - Reclamation Bond Form to Post a Surety Bond | D-3106 |
MR-900: Reclamation Bond Form to Post a Bond Other than a Surety Bond - Reclamation Bond Form to Post a Bond Other than a Surety Bond | D-3107 |
MR-1000: Assignment - Assignment of Reclamation Bind | D-3108 |
MR-1050: Irrevocable Letter of Credit - Irrevocable Letter of Credit | D-3109 |
MR-1100: Annual Reclamation Report to be submitted with $375.00 annual fee - Mining Annual Operating Fee per mine | D-3110 |
MR-1300: Application for Modifying a Mine Operating Permit and/or Reclamation Plan - Application for Modifying a Mine Operating Permit and/or Reclamation Plan | D-3111 |
MR-1400: Mine Operating Permit Transfer Agreement ($600 fee) - Mine Operating Permit Transfer Agreement | D-3112 |
For more information or questions about Mining Forms, please contact Wendy Hamilton at (803) 898-1368.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Application for Radioactive Waste Transport Permit - Application for Radioactive Waste Transport Permit | D-0800 |
Radioactive Waste Shipment Prior Notification and Manifest Form - Radioactive Waste Shipment Prior Notification and Manifest Form | D-0802 |
Radioactive Waste Shipment Certification - Radioactive Waste Shipment Certification | D-0803 |
For more information or questions about Radioactive Waste Forms, please contact Kim Clyburn at (803) 898-0239.
For more information or questions about Waste Tires, Lead Acid Battery, or Used Oil Forms, please contact Chris Carney at (803) 898-0727
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Application for Permit to Construct a Solid Waste Management System - Application for Permit to Construct a Solid Waste Management System | D-1932 | Apply Online |
Application for Registration or Permit to Land Apply - Application for Registration or Permit to Land Apply | D-3568 | Apply Online |
Application of Registration for Structural Fill - Application of Registration for Structural Fill | D-3570 | |
Application of Registration of Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Facility - Application of Registration for Construction & Demolition Debris Recycling Facility | D-3328 | Apply Online |
Application for Permit to Construct a Solid Waste Tire Facility - Application for Permit to Construct a Solid Waste Tire Facility | D-3571 | Apply Online |
Local Government Full Cost Disclosure Report | D-1409 | |
Registration for Wood Chipping, Shredding and/or Composting - Registration for Wood Chipping, Shredding and/or Composting | D-1988 | Apply Online |
Notice of Intent to Operate a Land-Clearing Debris and Yard Trash Landfill - Notice of Intent to Operate a Land-Clearing Debris and Yard Trash Landfill | D-3569 | Apply Online |
For more information or questions about Solid Waste Permitting, please contact Justin Koon at (803) 898-1339.
For more information or questions about our UST Assessment and Correction Action Forms please call (803) 898-2544.
For more information or questions about our UST Regulatory Compliance Forms, please call (803) 898-0589.
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
An Overview of Waste Assessment | ------ |
Generator's Knowledge Certification Statement Template - Generator's Knowledge Certification | ------ |
Inorganic Parameters for Waste Determinations - Use for Hazardous Waste Determinations and All Landfill Characterizations | D-3657 |
Volatile Organic Parameters for Waste Determinations - Use for Hazardous Waste Determinations and All Landfill Characterizations | D-3658 |
Semi-Volatile Organic Parameters for Waste Determinations - Use for Hazardous Waste Determinations and All Landfill Characterizations | D-3659 |
Additional Inorganic Parameters for Waste Determinations - Use for Class 2 Landfill Characterizations and other waste determinations as necessary | D-3660 |
Additional Volatile Organic Parameters for Waste Determinations - Use for Class 2 Landfill Characterizations and other waste determinations as necessary | D-3661 |
Additional Semi-Volatile Organic Parameters for Waste Determinations - Use for Class 2 Landfill Characterizations and other waste determinations as necessary | D-3662 |
Petroleum and Associated Parameters for Waste Determinations - Use for Hazardous Waste Determinations and Landfill Characterizations as necessary | D-3667 |
Land Application - Microsoft Excel needed to open spreadsheets | D-3734 |
TCLP Variable Detection Levels Memo (rev. 6/9/2017) - TCLP Variable Detection Levels Memo | ------ |
For more information or questions about Waste Assessment Forms, please contact Jeff Schrag at (803) 898-4326.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
BCM Critical Area Activities Form - this form will cover the following activities:
| Electronic via ePermitting | Apply Online |
Construction Placard Request Form - to obtain a placard to post at the construction site to document the authorized work to be performed. Please request this through the schedule for the active permit. | D-3911 | Apply Online |
BCM Permit Change Form (Amendments, Transfers, Extensions) - this form will cover the following activities:
| Electronic via ePermitting | Apply Online |
Permit Assignment/Transfer Form - to seek authorization to transfer an active permit to a new site owner. | D-3900 | Apply Online |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
State Coastal Zone Consistency Request Form - to request a coastal zone consistency review of a state permit application(s) for projects or activities within the SC Coastal Zone (Jasper, Beaufort, Colleton, Charleston, Dorchester, Berkeley, Georgetown, Horry). | D-0478 |
Policy Group Checklists for Coastal Zone Consistency | |
| D-0479 |
| D-0480 |
| D-0481 |
| D-0482 |
| D-0484 |
| D-0485 |
| D-0486 |
| D-0487 |
| D-0483 |
| D-0488 |
| D-0489 |
| D-0490 |
| D-0491 |
| D-0492 |
General Coastal Zone Consistency (GCZC) Certification Form - to request a coastal zone consistency certification for specific activities which propose minimal impact. Please see the listing of the individual GCZCs for complete details. | D-0352 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Burial Site Request - Daily & Mass Burial Site Request Form | D-2622 |
Burial Site Guidance - Guidance document for dead animal & disposal site approval | |
Request for a Preliminary Site Inspection - Preliminary Site Inspection Form | D-2623 |
Notice of Intent to Construct an Agricultural Facility - Notice of Intent Form for the New Agricultural Facilities | D-3579 |
Agricultural Animal Facilities (Other than Swine) - Standard Application Form for New or Expanding Agricultural Animal Facilities Other than Swine | D-3580 |
New or Expanding Small Swine Facilities (500,000 lbs or less) - Standard Application Form for New or Expanding Small Swine Facilities (500,000 lbs or less) | D-3577 |
New or Expanding Large Swine Facilities (500,001 lbs or more) - Standard Application Form for New or Expanding Large Swine Facilities (500,001 lbs or more) | D-3578 |
Stacking Shed and/or Composter - Standard Application Form for Stacking Shed and/or Composter | D-2512 |
Agricultural Manure Brokers - Standard Application Form for Agricultural Manure Brokers | D-2514 |
Agricultural Manure Applicators - Standard Application Form for Agricultural Manure Applicators | D-2510 |
Modifications (for existing facilities) - Standard Application Form for Agricultural Facilities Modifications (for existing facilities) | D-2511 |
Agricultural Permit Transfer of Ownership or Operation - Standard Application Form for Agricultural Permit Transfer of Ownership or Operation | D-2513 |
Integrator Registration Form - Request for Integrator Registration Form | D-2516 |
Manure Balance Sheet - Manure Balance Sheet for Manure Brokers | ------ |
Manure Transfer Agreement - Manure Transfer Agreement Form | D-4153 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Application to Construct or Alter a Dam - Application to Construct or Alter a Dam | Application to Construct or Alter a Dam |
Surveillance, Emergency Notification, and Action Plan for S.C. Regulated Dams - Surveillance, Emergency Notification, and Action Plan for S.C. Regulated Dams | D-2606 |
Notification Form for Ownership Change of South Carolina Regulated Dams | D-2605 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Certification Form - No later than the date the system is required to distribute the report to its customers (no later than July 1st), each community water system shall mail a copy of the report (CCR) to the Department (no later than July 1st), followed within 3 months (October 1st) by a certification that the report has been distributed to customers, and that the information is correct and consistent with the compliance monitoring data either provided by or submitted to the Department. Click here for an example. | D-3999 |
Construction Permit Application - Drinking Water and/or Wastewater Facilities - This form must be completed as part of an application package submitted for SCDES approval of water and/or wastewater systems construction plans. | D-1970 |
Small Business Water System Construction Permit Application - For building a well system for small business (not federally-defined systems) | D-1206 |
Water Line Extensions - General Construction Permit Application for Public Water Supply Systems - For utilities who design their own water line extensions and meet certain criteria. | D-2507 |
Application for Transfer of Operating Permit for A Public Water System - Drinking water systems have operating permits that must be transferred (and a viability review completed) | D-1329 |
Bacteriological Analysis Input Form - This form is used by all Community and Non-Transient Non-Community PWS to reports their monthly/quarterly bacteriological samples as well as their average Chlorine Residual. | D-1974 |
Optimum Corrosion Control Treatment (OCCT) Recommendation - Desktop Evaluation Short Form for Small and Medium Public Water Systems - This form is used to describe a small or medium public water system after the system has exceeded a Lead & Copper Rule trigger value. The Department requires a water system that has exceeded a trigger value to complete an Optimum Corrosion Control Treatment study and this form is used to help determine if the proposed treatment will be effective at lowering lead and/or copper levels. | D-2134 |
Optimum Corrosion Control Treatment - Documentation Flushing Records - This form is used to document water system flushing activities after a water system has proposed flushing as optimum treatment to lower Lead and Copper values. | D-2515 |
Controlled Fluoridation Monthly Report - This form is submitted to the Department monthly by drinking water systems that add fluoride to the water. | D-2613 |
Lead and Copper Monitoring Report Form Justification for Change of Sample Site - Form used if a system needs to change a lead and copper tap sampling site, proper justification for the change must be provided. | D-3023 |
Lead and Copper Monitoring Reporting Form Analytical Results for Lead and Copper - Form to submit analytical results from sampling. | D-3024 |
Lead and Copper Monitoring Reporting Form Analytical Results for Water Quality Parameter Monitoring - Form to submit analytical results for water quality parameter monitoring. | D-3025 |
Lead and Copper Monitoring Report Form for Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems - Form to submit analytical results non-transient non-community water systems. | D-3162 |
Public Education on Lead in Drinking Water - Form for public water system to conduct a public education (PE) program on lead in drinking water. | D-3997 |
Bridget Clarke - (803) 898-4239
Wendi Smith - (803) 898-2382
Rich Welch - (803) 898-3546
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ||||||
| D-3999 | ||||||
Construction Permit Application - Drinking Water and/or Wastewater Facilities - This form must be completed as part of an application package submitted for SCDES approval of water and/or wastewater systems construction plans. | D-1970 | ||||||
Small Business Water System Construction Permit Application - For building a well system for small business (not federally-defined systems) | D-1206 | ||||||
Water Line Extensions - General Construction Permit Application for Public Water Supply Systems - For utilities who design their own water line extensions and meet certain criteria. | D-2507 | ||||||
Application for Transfer of Operating Permit for A Public Water System - Drinking water systems have operating permits that must be transferred (and a viability review completed) | D-1329 | ||||||
Bacteriological Analysis Input Form - This form is used by all Community and Non-Transient Non-Community PWS to reports their monthly/quarterly bacteriological samples as well as their average Chlorine Residual. | D-1974 | ||||||
Optimum Corrosion Control Treatment (OCCT) Recommendation - Desktop Evaluation Short Form for Small and Medium Public Water Systems - This form is used to describe a small or medium public water system after the system has exceeded a Lead & Copper Rule trigger value. The Department requires a water system that has exceeded a trigger value to complete an Optimum Corrosion Control Treatment study and this form is used to help determine if the proposed treatment will be effective at lowering lead and/or copper levels. | D-2134 | ||||||
Optimum Corrosion Control Treatment - Documentation Flushing Records - This form is used to document water system flushing activities after a water system has proposed flushing as optimum treatment to lower Lead and Copper values. | D-2515 | ||||||
Controlled Fluoridation Monthly Report - This form is submitted to the Department monthly by drinking water systems that add fluoride to the water. | D-2613 | ||||||
Lead and Copper Monitoring Report Form Justification for Change of Sample Site - Form used if a system needs to change a lead and copper tap sampling site, proper justification for the change must be provided. | D-3023 | ||||||
Lead and Copper Monitoring Reporting Form Analytical Results for Lead and Copper - Form to submit analytical results from sampling. | D-3024 | ||||||
Lead and Copper Monitoring Reporting Form Analytical Results for Water Quality Parameter Monitoring - Form to submit analytical results for water quality parameter monitoring. | D-3025 | ||||||
Lead and Copper Monitoring Report Form for Non-Transient Non-Community Water Systems - Form to submit analytical results non-transient non-community water systems. | D-3162 | ||||||
Public Education on Lead in Drinking Water - Form for public water system to conduct a public education (PE) program on lead in drinking water. | D-3997 |
Bridget Clarke - (803) 898-4239
Wendi Smith - (803) 898-2382
Rich Welch - (803) 898-3546
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Underground Injection Control Permit Application - Permit application for the emplacement of fluids into the subsurface through a well. | D-2502 |
Guidance Document for Underground Injection Control Permit - Permit guide for Underground Injection Control | ------ |
Form Name | SCDES Form # | Apply Online |
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application - Applicable for groundwater withdrawals exceeding 3 million gallons in any given month in a Designated Capacity Use Area | D-2504 | Apply Online |
Notice Of Intent (New well construction) and Directions - Applicable for groundwater withdrawals exceeding 3 million gallons in any given month in the Coastal Plain Region outside of a Designated Capacity Use Area | D-3724 | Apply Online |
Water Use Registration - Applicable for groundwater withdrawals exceeding 3 million gallons in any given month in the Piedmont Region | D-3764 | Apply Online |
Capacity Use Program Permitting - Permitting guide for groundwater withdrawal in Designated Capacity Use Areas | ------ |
Leigh Anne Monroe - (803) 898-2415
Ashley Carothers - (803) 898-4220
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Permit Application for Construction in Navigable Waters (Individual, General Permits) - Application for construction of any structure in, over or under navigable waters of the state of South Carolina | D-2065 | Apply Online |
Chuck Hightower - (803) 898-0369
Michele Culbreath - (803) 898-4224
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Notice of Intent (NOI): NPDES General Permit for Discharges from the Application of Pesticides (SCG160000) - For coverage to spray for mosquitoes, control aquatic weeds, manage rights-of-way, etc. | D-2732 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Notice of Intent - Well location information submitted prior to installation of an individual residential well or irrigation well | D-3647 | Apply Online |
Water Well Record Form - Well construction information submitted by well driller after well is completed | D-1903 | Apply Online |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Swimming Pool Application to Construct a Recreational Water Facility - To build a public swimming pool, water park, etc. | D-2501 |
Swimming Pool Final Inspection Checklist - Items needed prior to requesting an approval to place a pool into operation following construction. | D-1931 |
Swimming Pool Change Order Request Form - Modifications to public pools that don't require a construction permit. | D-3627 |
Swimming Pool Facility Information Sheet - The purpose of this form is to allow the Department to maintain accurate information on facility billing addresses and site contact information including their Pool Operator of Record. | D-3441 |
Swimming Pool Incident Report - This form serves as the required written record when notifying the Department of a serious incident involving a permitted aquatic facility. | D-3785 |
Swimming Pool Inspection Report - This form is used by summer inspectors and recreational water managers when inspecting commercial swimming pools (types A, B, C, D, E, F and G) in SC. Pool operators may use this as guidance. | D-1928 |
Natural Recreational Facility Application for Initial Certification - Required for the initial permitting of a natural swimming area. Submitted in conjunction with the five initial water quality samples determining the fitness of the location of the proposed swimming beach. | D-3821 |
Natural Recreational Facility Application for Annual Permit to Operate - This form is required annually and is used to update facility contact information and to notify the Department of the owner's intent to operate for the coming season. | D-1926 |
Bacteriological Analysis Input Form - Submitted to the Department by the owner/operator of a natural swimming area, or their agent, and enumerates the Fecal Coliform sample results for the previous sample period. Required approximately every two weeks during the swimming season. | D-3631 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Drinking Water Project Questionnaire - Used to submit a potential project for consideration of funding through the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF) for eligible drinking water construction/activities. | D-3463 |
Wastewater Project Questionnaire - Used to submit a potential project for consideration of funding through the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF) for eligible wastewater, stormwater or 319 nonpoint source construction/activities. | D-3561 |
Draw Request Form - Used to request payment from the State Revolving Loan Fund. | D-3585 |
Official Designation and Signature Form - Used to specify which project representatives are to represent the project sponsor in all matters pertaining to administration of the SRF loan. | D-3586 |
Monthly Construction Inspection Report - Used to document the progress of an SRF project under construction. | D-3587 |
Schedule for Construction - Schedule for Construction Used to document the expected schedule of milestones from project start to completion. | D-3588 |
Project Construction Summary - Check sheet that assists sponsors in supplying the required information and documents to the SRF Section. | D-3589 |
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Used to certify that possible participants are not debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from participation in Federal assistance programs. | D-3590 |
Prime Contractor's Subagreement Certification - Used to certify whether or not a contractor plans to use subcontractors to perform work for any part of the project. | D-3591 |
Certification by Proposed Prime or Subcontractor Regarding Equal Employment Opportunity - For any bidder or prospective contractor/subcontractor to certify whether they have participated and been compliant in any previous contract subject to the equal opportunity clause. | D-3592 |
SRF - Certification Regarding Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 - Used to certify compliance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance And Real Property Act of 1970, regarding property acquisition. | D-3594 |
Preaward Compliance Review Report for All Applicants Requesting Federal Financial Assistance - Used to document the compliance of recipients of Federal financial assistance from the EPA regarding various Federal statutes/requirements | EPA 4700-4 |
MBE/WBE Utilization Under Federal Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Interagency Agreements - Completed by recipients of Federal assistance regarding to report the accomplishment of minority/women business enterprises (MBE/WBE). | EPA 5700-52A |
Project Sponsor's "American Iron and Steel" Certification - Used to certify that the project is in compliance with American Iron and Steel requirements during project construction. | D-0962 |
Bidder's "American Iron and Steel" Certification - Used to certify that all iron and steel products used in an SRF project are produced in the US, unless granted a waiver. | D-2556 |
Lynne I. Lasalle - (803) 898-4395
Wayne Shealy - (803) 898-4302
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting |
Storm Water Notice of Intent - For Coverage Under the Storm Water NPDES General Permit for Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity Except Construction | D-2611 | |
The Notification Form for Sites Disturbing Less Than 1-Acre. This form is for use on projects located outside of the eight coastal counties (Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper) and that are NOT part of a larger common plan for development or sale. | D-2628 | |
Storm Water Notice of Termination - For Terminating Coverage Under the Storm Water NPDES General Permit for Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity. | D-2609 | Apply Online |
Storm Water Notice of Termination - For Terminating Coverage Under the Storm Water NPDES General Permit for Discharges Associated with Construction Activity. | D-2610 | |
Notice of Intent (NOI) for Coverage(s) of Primary Permittees Under South Carolina NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges From Construction Activities - Revision to SCDES Form 2617 for coverage under the new 2012 Stormwater NPDES General Permit | D-2617 | |
Consolidated Permits Program - Application Form 1 - This is EPA's Application Form 1. It contains general information about the applicant and facility. This form must accompany the individual NPDES permit application - Form 2f. | EPA 3510 | |
No Exposure Certification for Exclusions from NPDES Stormwater Permitting - This form is to be used if industrial materials or activities are not exposed to stormwater, this form may be used to request an exemption. | D-2616 | Apply Online |
Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Monthly Report - This form may be used to meet the monthly reporting requirements found in the NPDES Construction General Permit. | D-1356 | |
Individual Lot Notice of Intent - For Coverage of Secondary Permittees Within Residential Subdivisions Under the new 2012 Stormwater NPDES General Permit | D-0432 | |
Annual Blanket Notice of Intent - For Statewide Coverage of Utility Providers Within Common Developments Under the new 2012 Stormwater NPDES General Permit | D-0433 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # |
Sewer System Overflow or Pump Station Failure Report Form Form is to be used for reporting a sewer system overflow or pump station failure. | D-3685 |
Satellite Sewer System Owner Notification Form - general permit coverage for operation of a sewer collection system where the final treatment for wastewater is by another entity | D-2614 |
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting | ePermitting Form Type |
General Construction Permit Application - The initial application for a public entity to be considered for general permit coverage. | D-1794 | ||
General Construction Permit NOI - The form used to notify SCDES of a proposed construction project, once a public entity has been approved for general permit coverage. | D-1793 | ||
Construction Permit Application - Water and/or Wastewater Facilities - For building water and sewer lines, treatment systems, wells, etc. | D-1970 | Apply Online | Wastewater - Construction Permit Application Wastewater Facilities |
Industrial Wastewater Facility Closure Form | D-1795 | Apply Online | Wastewater - Industrial - Preliminary Engineering Review (PER) and Other Request Form |
Bridget Clarke - (803) 898-4239 (Lines)
Brenda Green - (803) 898-4228 (Domestic/Municipal/Pretreatment)
Crystal Rippy - (803) 898-3964 (Industrial Direct Dischargers)
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting | ePermitting Form Type |
No Discharge or ND Permit Application - The ND Permit Application is used as part of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) submittal for New, Expanding, and Renewals of Wastewater Treatment Plants with Land Disposal of Wastewater or Sludge. Sludge Supplement must accompany NPDES and ND Forms. | ---- | ||
Location Supplement for NPDES and ND Permit Applications - To confirm the location of the proposed discharge | ---- | Apply Online | Wastewater Application ND |
Sludge Disposal Supplement for NPDES and ND Permit Applications - To provide details about sludge management proposed from the applicable wastewater treatment system. | ---- | ||
Sludge Annual Agronomic Loading Rate Worksheet | D-0874 | ||
Notice of Intent (NOI) - Land Application (No Discharge) Associated with Nonmetallic Mineral Mining Facilities - ND General Permit #NDG730000 - General permit coverage for mining operations not involving metals (e.g. fill dirt mining) | D-3239 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
Brenda Green - (803) 898-4228 (Domestic)
Crystal Rippy - (803) 898-3964 (Industrial)
Bureau of Water - Phone: (803) 898-4300 Fax: (803) 898-3795.
Form Name | SCDES Form # | ePermitting | ePermitting Form Type |
Notice of Intent (NOI) - Discharges Associated with Hydroelectric Generating Facilities - NPDES General Permit #SCG360000 | D-2239 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
Notice of Intent (NOI) - Potable Water Treatment Plants (SCG646000) - General permit coverage for discharges from water treatment systems | D-1813 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
Notice of Intent (NOI) - NPDES General Permit for Bulk Petroleum Facility Discharges SCG340000 - General permit coverage for discharges associated with bulk petroleum facilities | D-2624 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
Notice of Intent (NOI) - Discharges Associated with Nonmetallic Mineral Mining Facilities - NPDES General Permit #SCG730000 - General permit coverage for mining operations not involving metals (e.g., sand and gravel mining) | D-3559 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
Notice of Intent (NOI) - Hydrostatic Test Water: Discharges From New and Used Oil and Gas Lines and Tanks - NPDES General Permit #SCG670000 - General permit coverage for testing for these lines and tanks | D-3729 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
Notice of Intent (NOI) - Utility Water Discharges - NPDES General Permit #SCG250000 - General permit coverage for a variety of utility water discharges within a certain threshold | D-3632 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
Notice of Intent (NOI) - Vehicle Wash Water: Discharges From Vehicle Wash Water Discharges - NPDES General Permit #SCG750000 | D-3756 | Apply Online | Wastewater - NPDES GENERAL Permit Group |
NPDES Application Form 1 - General Information - This is EPA's Application Form 1. It contains general information about the applicant and facility. This form must accompany the NPDES permit application | EPA 3510 | ||
NPDES Application Form 2C - Wastewater Discharge Information - EPA Form 2C is used by existing industrial facilities when reapplying for an NPDES permit. Instructions are included. This form must be accompanied by EPA Form 1, the Location Supplement, and the Sludge Supplement. | EPA 3510-2C | ||
NPDES Application Form 2D - New Dischargers and New Sources: Application to Discharge Process Wastewater - EPA Form 2D is used by industrial facilities when applying for new discharges or new sources. Instructions are included. This form must be accompanied by EPA Form 1, the Antidegradation Supplement, the Location Supplement, and the Sludge Supplement. | EPA 3510-2D | ||
NPDES Application Form 2E - Facilities Which Do Not Discharge Process Wastewater - EPA Form 2E is used by facilities which do not discharge process wastewater. Instructions are included. This form must be accompanied by EPA Form 1, the Location Supplement, and the Sludge Supplement. | EPA 3510-2E | Apply Online | Wastewater Application NPDES |
Antidegradation Supplement for NPDES Permit Applications - The Antidegradation Supplement must be filed when an NPDES application is for a new or expanding discharge (including new/increased loadings). | D-3590 | ||
NPDES Application Form 2A - New and Existing Publicly Owned Treatment Works - EPA Form 2A is used by municipal facilities when applying for new discharges or new sources. Instructions are included. This form must be accompanied by the Antidegradation Supplement, the Location Supplement, and EPA Form 2S. | EPA 3510-2A | ||
NPDES Application Form 2S - New and Existing Treatment Works Treating Domestic Sewage - EPA Form 2S is used by municipal facilities when applying for new discharges or new sources. Instructions are included. This form must be accompanied by the Form 2A and the Location Supplement. | EPA 3510-2S |
Brenda Green - (803) 898-4228 (Domestic)
Crystal Rippy - (803) 898-3964 (Industrial)