Spare the Air Logo

The Spare the Air Awards is the Bureau of Air Quality’s program that awards those who are working towards improving air quality in South Carolina. This award program recognizes environmental leaders, such as schools, organizations, businesses, and individuals that are working on projects and initiatives to protect air quality in South Carolina. Promoting a healthy environment through air quality initiatives that are sustainable and replicable,

  • Educating and promoting awareness that motivates others to make better decisions to protect and improve air quality, 
  • Encouraging positive behavioral changes that protect and improve air quality, and
  • Strengthening and building partnerships for air quality that benefit the citizens of South Carolina.

The Spare the Air Awards provide a great opportunity for you to be recognized by the state of South Carolina for your work! You can either be nominated or self-nominated by completing and submitting the nomination form.


Amy Curran, Spare the Air Awards Coordinator