Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services migrated email services over the weekend and staff were unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Thank you for your patience as our team works to respond to any messages received during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

SCDES has no authority to implement land use planning or include zoning requirements in air permitting reviews. However, as a service, we've compiled this list of model ordinances, policies, resolutions and best management practices to help your community in its efforts to better manage air pollution emissions and develop more sustainable practices. (Please read our disclaimer) 

You can find contact information for your municipality by visiting the Municipal Association of South Carolina's website.

All documents are in pdf format.

Assessing Environmental Impact 

Indoor Energy Efficiency 

Land Use Planning 

Land use planning is a comprehensive approach meant to reduce urban sprawl, use land in efficient and ethical ways, and prevent land use conflicts. If done correctly, it can also:

  • Reduce traffic congestion
  • Reduce travel/commuter times
  • Reduce emissions that contribute to air pollution
  • Increase green spaces
  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Help create more sustainable communities.
  • Typically involves zoning
  • Typically involves transport infrastructure planning. (As more land is developed in an area, the vehicle miles traveled in that area tend to increase.)
  • Is an important part of social policy in most developed countries
  • Often involves use of IT tools (geographic information systems and spatial decision support systems) to help with analysis and decision-making
  • May include environmental assessments to understand the impact that development will have on the environment (roadway noise, pollution, surface runoff, flooding, etc.).

DHEC does not directly address land use planning or policy in its permitting program. However, we're providing the links below to help you encourage the development of land use policies to improve your community's livability and air quality.

Model Ordinances: Land Use Planning 

Academic Journals: Land Use Planning

Other Land Use Planning Websites 

Mobile Sources of Air Pollution and Transportation Planning 

Mobile sources of pollution include on-road vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, etc.) and non-road equipment (boats, airplanes, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, agricultural and construction equipment, etc.).

Mobile source emissions contribute to formation of ground-level ozone and contain:

Here is information that may help your community implement policies to reduce mobile emissions.
Lawnmower, Gas Can Exchanges 

Reducing Vehicle Idling 

Alternative Fuel/Transportation 

Reducing Commuter Traffic (Staggered Work Hours, Telecommuting) 

Transportation Planning 

Open Burning 

Increasing Environmental Awareness 

Model Ordinance Disclaimer and Background Info 

The intent of these model ordinances, policies, resolutions and best management practices is to produce samples that offer local government officials a great deal of operational and fiscal flexibility. However, these model ordinances, policies, resolutions and best managements practices are provided here only for review, reference, and example purposes. No document contained on this site constitutes a legal document or the provision of legal advice. For the model ordinance, policy, resolution or best management practice to be valid and legally enforceable it must be modified, reviewed, and approved by the appropriate local government board or council and the local government attorney or other legal counsel. Many of the provisions in this list are required under state or local laws while others are optional. All applicable state and local laws must be considered when implementing any of the ordinances, policies, resolutions or best management practices. All guidance and authority for what local governments must and may include in their ordinance is derived from the South Carolina State Planning Enabling Legislation.

Many of the ordinances included on this site assume that the local jurisdiction has adopted local comprehensive plans, zoning ordinances, land development regulations and other regulatory plans in accordance with applicable state laws. Many of the ordinances, policies, resolutions and best management practices are stand-alone documents that may not require the implementation of a comprehensive plan.

Local Governments seeking assistance on developing and drafting ordinances, policies, resolutions or best management practices may contact their local Council of Governments for assistance. Local governments also may obtain assistance from the South Carolina Association of Counties, and the Municipal Association of South Carolina or a private consultant.

These ordinances are provided for reference and example purposes only and do not constitute the provision of legal advice. By opening any file on this site, you acknowledge having read and understood this Model Ordinance Disclaimer.


Amy Curran, (803) 898-1644