Outstanding School: Daniel Island Academy
Daniel Island Academy is a private preschool located in the City of Charleston which serves approximately 280 children. It is being recognized for its efforts in implementing an anti-idling campaign and educating staff, students and parents on the negative health and environmental impact of vehicle idling. The school takes pride in encouraging their teachers to attend training and educational workshops, and sharing innovative ideas that engage and educate their children in the classroom on being good environmental stewards.
Daniel Island Academy has successfully:
- Adopted and promoted a no idling policy
- Posted no idling signage on campus
- Encouraged families to use alternative forms of transportation such as bicycles, golf carts and walking
- Increased awareness about anti-idling and its negative impact on the health of children and the environment
- Leadership and Energy in Environmental Design (LEED) members prepared and presented information on anti-idling initiative:
- Educated staff and identified expectations
- Prepared handout materials to be shared with staff and families
- Each classroom created a poster with important facts about vehicle idling
- Promoted Breathe Better (B2) campaign at its Fall Festival:
- Established an information booth
- Distributed educational materials and car decals
- Displayed student art projects and posters with creative slogans which included:
- "Ladies and Gentlemen, stop your engines!"
- "Kids breathe here!"
- "The key to breathing better starts with turning off your engines!"
Congratulations to Daniel Island Academy as the recipient of the 2012 Spare the Air Outstanding School Award!
From left to right: Catherine Templeton (DHEC Director), Carolee Williams (PADIA Board Member), and Kerry Nowosielski (Daniel Island Academy Director)
Outstanding Business: Bosch Anderson
The Bosch Anderson facility is a great example of a business exercising positive environmental practices. For more than ten years, Bosch Anderson has implemented activities and processes to reduce their energy consumption. In 2011, the facility identified and completed four major projects that included replacing inefficient and outdated equipment. These changes resulted in a more improved, effective and productive facility.
Bosch Anderson successfully:
- Planned and implemented several energy efficiency initiatives
- Replaced an old compressor with a new air compressor
- Replaced the electric boiler system with an atomized water humidification system
- Upgraded HVAC system that now allows for:
- Zone control
- Night setbacks (automatically adjusts at night)
- Temperatures adjustments as weather conditions change
- Automatic shut-down in areas not in use
- Upgraded to a more efficient low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) desiccant air dryer
- Energy management control
- Decreased compressed air and electrical power usage
- Saved cumulatively 1.77 million dollars in energy cost
- Reduced CO2 emission by 1, 722 tons
- Achieved a 25% return on their investment
Congratulations to Bosch Anderson facility as the recipient of the 2012 Spare the Air Outstanding Business Award!
Outstanding Local Government: City of Rock Hill
The City of Rock Hill is being honored for their efforts to improve air quality through alternative fuel usage. This initiative saved residents (county, tax payers) money on fuel cost, improved the air quality by reducing harmful emissions that injure the human health, the environment and cause property damage.
The City of Rock Hill successfully:
- Reduced fuel cost
- Increased public awareness
- Significantly reduced employees exposure to harmful pollutants
- Proactive in implementing alternatives to gasoline powered engines
- Installation of thirteen electric vehicle charging stations throughout the city
- Installation of two time-fill and one fast-fill compressed natural gas fueling stations
- Open to the public
- Public-private partnership
- Routinely employed by Frito Lay fleet
- Commitment to sustainable and smart growth
- Featured in GMC commercial for its commitment to alternative fuels and commercial fleets
- Earned the inaugural 2010 Palmetto State Greenest Fleet Award presented by the Palmetto State Clean Fuels Coalition
Congratulations to the City of Rock Hill as the recipient of the 2012 Spare the Air Outstanding Local Government!

From left to right: Marty Burr (The City of Rock Hill Fleet Manager), Mayor Doug Echols and Harry Mathis (SCDES).

From left to right: Marty Burr (The City of Rock Hill Fleet Manager), Harry Mathis (DHEC), Steven Moseley (DHEC), and Rebecca Hook (The City of Rock Hill)