Infectious Waste Generators

What is the purpose of this registration?

The Infectious Waste Generator Registration notifies SCDES that your facility is generating infectious waste. SCDES uses the registration information to perform inspections at your facility to verify that it is complying with regulations.

Who issues this registration?

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control issues this registration.

What activities require this registration?

Generating infectious waste that meets the definition in the South Carolina Infectious Waste Management Regulations, R. 61-105 requires a facility to register with SCDES. In general, to be considered regulated waste, the waste must be generated in the healthcare community and includes items such as sharps, blood, bodily fluids, pathological waste, etc. The regulatory definition can be found in Section E of the regulations. Also, generators of regulated infectious waste are required to have a valid registration number in order to transfer waste to a transporter for disposal.

How much will this registration cost?

The amount of the fee depends on how much regulated infectious waste your facility generates.

SCDES does not charge a fee for small quantity generators (those that produce less than 50 pounds of infectious waste per month).

For large quantity generators (those that produce 50 pounds or greater in any one calendar month) the fee is $150 annually.

For extra large quantity generators (those that produce 1000 pounds or greater in any one calendar month) the fee is $600 annually.

Registration fees can be found in South Carolina Regulation 61-30, Environmental Protection Fees.

Where can I get the application for this registration?

You can download the registration form from our website. Applicants can also request a copy by calling (803) 898-0239 or (803) 898-0499 or email:

What, if anything, do I need to include with my application?

If your facility generates enough infectious waste to warrant a fee, you must submit a check along with the application for the appropriate amount. Make the check payable to S.C. SCDES.

Is the decision on my permit application dependent on anything besides the information I provide in my application?

Since this is a registration, there is no permit decision to be made. We register each applicant once we receive the required information and the appropriate fee.

How long will it take to review and approve my application?

It typically takes about 3 business days to process an application once we receive it. If you require a faster turnaround, please contact our office at (803) 898-0239 or (803) 898-0499, or at and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Where do I submit my application?

The application should be submitted by mail to:
Infectious Waste Management Program
Bureau of Land and Waste Management
2600 Bull Street
Columbia SC 29201
You can also fax your application to SCDES's Infectious Waste Management Program at (803) 898-0391.

How long is my coverage valid?

It depends on the volume of infectious waste your facility produces each month. Small quantity generators (those that produce less than 50 pounds of infectious waste per month): Registration is valid for 3 years from the date of issuance. Large and extra-large generators: Registration is valid for up to 3 years, expiring on April 30 of the third successive calendar year. (For example, a registration issued on November 15, 2012 would expire on April 30, 2015.) Yearly fees for large and extra-large generators are due when you initially register and thereafter, by August 15 of each calendar year. SCDES will mail you an invoice annually on July 15.

Facilities that close or no longer generate regulated waste are required to notify the Infectious Waste Management Program and properly remove all waste from the site.

What is the appeal process for being turned down for a permit or having my registration revoked?

There is not an appeal process since this is not a permit. However, registration may be withheld due to an incomplete or inaccurate form. If this occurs, we will attempt to contact you by email, phone and/or postal service to straighten out discrepancies. Who can I contact if I have questions about this registration or the application process?

• Call Lynne Garner at (803) 898-0493​.

Legal authority for this permit:

The authority for this registration stems from this state law: