Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services will be migrating email services and staff will be unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Phone calls and text messages will not be interrupted during the email outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

A textile operation may be eligible for coverage under one of the two general permits if the facility produces any of the following:

  • Staple fibers and filaments suitable for conversion to or use as yarns, or for the preparation of woven, knit, or non-woven fabrics;
  • Yarns made from natural or manufactured fiber;
  • Fabrics and other manufactured products made from staple fibers and filaments and from yarn; and/or
  • Garments and other articles fabricated from fibers, yarns, or fabrics.

Facilities may be comprised of the following:

  • Fuel combustion sources;
  • Greige operations;
  • Dyeing, finishing, printing and coating operations;
  • Slashing operations; and/or
  • Storage vessels and tanks.

The following sources are exempt based on S.C. Regulation 61-62.1, Section II(B) and do not have to request an exemption for installation:

  • Commercial air conditioning units or air wash systems collecting dust from spinning and textile operations;
  • Storage silos for solid sizing material, which are loaded/unloaded by closed transfers;
  • Lab scale fabric finishing and testing operations used for the purposes of research and development and/or quality control only; and
  • Filters located on vacuum or collection systems that collect fiber dust from textile operations (Abington systems).


General State Operating Permit

  • Stationary combustion sources at the facility must be fired on natural gas, propane, virgin fuel oil (sulfur content equal to or less than 0.5% by weight), biodiesel that meets ASTM D-6751 or used spec oil as defined in Regulation 61-62.1, Section I.
  • The maximum capacity of any individual boiler on-site is limited to 100 million BTU/hr heat input capacity.
  • Facilities subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart VVV shall use less than 90 Mg/yr of VOC.

General Conditional Major Operating Permit

  • Stationary combustion sources at the facility must be fired on natural gas, propane, virgin fuel oil (sulfur content equal to or less than 2.1% by weight), biodiesel that meets ASTM D-6751 or used spec oil as defined in Regulation 61-62.1, Section I.
  • The maximum capacity of any individual boiler on-site is limited to 100 million BTU/hr heat input capacity.
  • Facilities subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart VVV shall use less than 90 Mg/yr of VOC.

How Do I Apply for the General Permit?

To request coverage under the General State Operating Permit or the General Conditional Major Operating Permit, select one of the following options:

Option 1: If your facility has already been issued an operating permit, download, complete, and submit the State Operating and Conditional Major Permit Renewal Application with the General Operating Permit box selected as follows:

  • If the potential uncontrolled emissions are below the major source thresholds select General State Operating.
  • If the potential uncontrolled emissions are above the major source thresholds select General Conditional Major.

Option 2: If your facility has completed construction and has not been issued an operating permit, download, complete, and submit the Operating Permit Request to request your initial operating permit.


Emission Estimator Tools:

Reporting Tools:

  • Textile Record Keeping Worksheet: The spreadsheet calculates 12 month rolling sum totals for VOC and HAP emissions from sizing and finishing and as well as SO2 and NOX emissions from fuel combustion.