The Emergency Planning & Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requires facilities storing any substance for which a material safety data sheet (MSDS) is required by OSHA and in quantities exceeding the Threshold Planning Quantity (specified for Extremely Hazardous Substance or 10,000 pounds for all other substances) to report these substances to the state, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC's) and fire departments. The SC State Emergency Response Commission requires an annual submission of a Tier II report due March 1 from qualifying facilities. There are other provisions of the law, and the law itself should be consulted for proper compliance.

We require the use of E-Plan to satisfy the state's Tier II reporting requirements. E-Plan is a highly secure, web-based information system that holds facility-specific hazard information from numerous sources. Facilities have to sign up for an account in E-Plan and authorize a user to have access to the system. Facilities can enter information directly into E-Plan or import the Tier II Submit files into the system. We no longer accept other reporting methods. E-Plan has online training on their website.


The E-Plan's online Tier2 Reporting System will not allow facilities to submit their Tier II data until the Submission Validation Report indicates all required fields are correct and the Upload Data to E-Plan has been pressed. The system will send an email message to the reporting facility stating their submittal was received, after their Tier II data is submitted. The facility should print the email and sign the Tier II report (PDF) from E-Plan and file them at the site for a minimum of five years.

Please note: The state doesn't charge Tier II reporting fees. Facilities should contact their County LEPC and local fire department for fees and specific reporting requirements for Tier II reporting.

Section 302, Extremely Hazardous Substance Notification is a one-time reporting requirement. Verify that you are using the latest list of Extremely Hazardous Substances and the Threshold Planning Quantities. There is no form for this reporting. A letter describing the product and an on-site emergency contact is sufficient.

For questions regarding EPCRA and Tier II reporting requirements, please contact Jim Martin at 803-896-4116 or sends email).