Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services will be migrating email services and staff will be unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Phone calls and text messages will not be interrupted during the email outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

The following list is a comprehensive compilation of the Department of Environmental Service’s (SCDES) land and waste management laws and regulations. Copies of these laws and regulations are provided by SCDES for the convenience of the public. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this list. However, this list is not the official text. SCDES reserves the right to withdraw or correct this list if deviations from the official text as published in the South Carolina State Register are found.



Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP)

South Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Act


Dry Cleaners

South Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Act


Dry Cleaners

Regulation 61-33, Drycleaning Facility Restoration

Emergency Response

Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans Regulations

Emergency Response

SC Oil and Gas Act - EPA SPCC


Regulation 61-68, Water Classifications and Standards


Regulation 61-71, Well Standards

Hazardous Waste

South Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Act

Hazardous Waste

South Carolina Pollution Control Act

Hazardous Waste

Regulation 61-79, Hazardous Waste Management Regulations

Infectious Waste

South Carolina Infectious Waste Management Act

Infectious Waste

Regulation 61-105, Infectious Waste Management Regulation

Mining & Reclamation

South Carolina Mining Act

Mining & Reclamation

Regulation 89-10 through 89-350, Office of the Governor - Mining Council of South Carolina

Mining & Reclamation

Interstate Mining Compact Commission Act

Oil and Gas

South Carolina Oil and Gas Exploration, Drilling, Transportation and Production Act

Oil and Gas

Regulation 121-8.0 through 121-8.28, Oil and Gas Exploration, Drilling, and Production

Oil and Gas


Radiological Waste

Atomic Energy and Radiation Control Act

Radiological Waste

Regulation 61-63, Radioactive Materials (Title A)

Radiological Waste

Regulation 61-83, Transportation of Radioactive Waste Into or Within South Carolina

Solid Waste

Solid Waste Policy and Management Act

Solid Waste

South Carolina Pollution Control Act

Solid Waste

South Carolina Manufacturer Responsibility and Consumer Convenience Information Technology Equipment Collection and Recovery Act

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.1, Solid Waste Management Grants, Recycling Education Grants, and Waste Tire Grants

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.2, Full Cost Disclosure

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.3, Waste Tires

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.4, Compost and Mulch Production from Land-Clearing Debris, Yard Trimmings, and Organic Residuals

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.5, Collection, Temporary Storage, and Transportation of Solid Waste

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.6, Solid Waste Processing Facilities 

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.7, Transfer of Solid Waste

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.8, Lead Acid Batteries

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.9, White Goods

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.10, Research, Development, and Demonstration (RDD) Permit Criteria

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.12, Solid Waste Incineration and Solid Waste Pyrolysis Facilities 

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.14, Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Operator's Certification

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.15, Land Application of Solid Waste

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.17, Demonstration-of-Need

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.18, Off-Site Treatment of Contaminated Soil

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.19, Solid Waste Landfills and Structural Fill

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-107.279, Used Oil

Solid Waste

Regulation 61-124, Consumer Electronic Equipment Collection and Recovery


South Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Act


Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)


National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan Regulations (NCP)

Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Bank (SUPERB) Act

Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

State Underground Petroleum Environmental Response Bank (SUPERB) Site Rehabilitation and Fund Access Regulations

Underground Storage Tanks (UST)

Regulation 61-92, Underground Storage Tank Control Regulations

  • Please note this is an unofficial copy of the regulation. The official version of the regulation is how it appears as published by the South Carolina State Register.