Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services migrated email services over the weekend and staff were unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Thank you for your patience as our team works to respond to any messages received during this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

A - Z

Accidental Release Prevention Program

Implements the Clean Air Act Section 112(r), conducts site inspections and audits to determine compliance with the risk management program requirements.

Air Permitting

Issues construction and operating permits to industrial sources that use or store a material with a potential to emit air pollutants into the air we breathe.

Ambient Air Monitoring Network

Developed a Web application to assist the public in understanding air quality monitoring issues. This tool shows the location of air quality monitoring stations in South Carolina, the parameters measured and historical graphs of the concentrations of major pollutants.

Asbestos Program

Issues asbestos permits for regulated renovation and demolition activities. It also licenses all involved in either the inspection, design, air monitoring, in-place management, removal, cleanup or other handling of regulated asbestos-containing materials.

Beach Monitoring Program

In accordance with federal U.S. EPA standards – routinely collects water samples at over 120 locations on South Carolina’s beaches. Advisories are issued if high bacteria levels are found.

Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup Program

Allows a responsible or non-responsible party (RP or NRP) to cleanup or acquire a contaminated property with certain liability protections from State Superfund for existing contamination by agreeing to perform environmental assessment and/or remediation. This program facilitates redevelopment of properties by NRPs and encourages RPs to voluntarily remediate their sites.

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

We receive blood lead testing results from hospitals, laboratories, and health care providers. We track blood lead levels that are considered elevated and offer services to children whose blood lead levels meet our criteria. Children under the age of sixteen may receive case management services and children under the age of six may also be eligible for an environmental lead assessment of their home. We may assist with making follow-up testing appointments with the child’s health care provider.  

For information about Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention in SC call toll free 1(866) 466-5323 [1-866-4NO-LEAD].

Drinking Water Program

Ensures safe public drinking water through strategies including source water protection, operator certification for water treatment plants, permitting, routine sanitary surveys, monitoring, treatment design and plan review.

Hazardous Waste Program

Permits active hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities, guides clean-up actions for thousands of waste management units, maintains registration of hazardous waste generators in South Carolina and issues transporter permits for hazardous waste transported within the state.

Infectious Waste Program

Regulates infectious waste treatment facilities as well as generators and transporters of infectious waste in the state. Any person or company that generates or transports infectious waste in South Carolina must be registered.

Mining and Reclamation Program

Non-Point Source (NPS) Pollution

Coordinates regulatory and voluntary programs to reduce pollution from nonpoint sources. The program also issues grants to local organizations to conduct watershed planning and NPS pollution reduction measures.

Ozone Forecasting Program

Forecasts ozone concentrations to warn the public and encourage people to avoid exposure to unhealthy air.

Radioactive Waste Program

Regulates the transportation of radioactive waste into and within South Carolina and licenses facilities that process and transport radioactive waste. The program also regulates the Barnwell low-level radioactive waste disposal facility (also known as the Chem-Nuclear Site.)

Recreational Waters Program

Performs routine inspections and provides technical assistance to public swimming facilities located throughout the state. This includes swimming pools and spas, as well as natural swimming areas.

Septic Tanks Program

Inspects and permits septic tanks for new construction and licenses professionals who install, clean or repair septic tanks or haul septage.

Shellfish Sanitation Program

Ensures that shellfish (oysters, clams and mussels) and the areas from which they are harvested meet the health and environmental quality standards provided by federal guidelines and state regulations.

Solid Waste Permitting Program

Regulates the disposal of solid waste including tires, used motor oil, land-clearing debris, construction and demolition debris, municipal and industrial solid waste. The program also regulates landfills, chipping and composting facilities, solid waste processing facilities, solid waste transfer facilities, solid waste incineration facilities and others.

State Revolving Loan Fund Program

Provides low-interest rate loans for building or repair of wastewater, drinking water and stormwater systems. The program is run by the SC Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) and the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA), Office of Local Government (OLG).

Stormwater Program

Manages stormwater runoff by permitting discharges from construction and industrial sites and municipal storm sewer systems.


Is the federal government’s program to clean up the nation’s uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. The program is committed to ensuring that remaining National Priorities List (NPL) hazardous waste sites are cleaned up to protect the environment and the health of all Americans. South Carolina also has a state version that works on sites that are important to the state, but doesn’t rise to the federal NPL level.

Underground Storage Tank Program

Regulates underground storage tanks (USTs) for the entire life of a tank system. This includes the planning, compliance, permitting, enforcement and remediation efforts of petroleum underground storage tanks throughout the state. We provide technical oversight on all releases that occur from USTs as well as a Site Rehabilitation Contractor Certification Program.

Wastewater Permitting Program

Issues permits for discharges from point sources including municipal and industrial wastewater treatment systems.