This is a comprehensive compilation of the Department of Health and Environmental Control’s water regulations. Copies of these regulations are provided by DHEC for the convenience of the public. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy and completeness; however, it is not the official text. DHEC reserves the right to withdraw or correct this text if deviations from the official text as published in the South Carolina State Register are found.

Regulation NumberRegulation Title
R.19-450Permits for Construction in Navigable Waters
R.61-9Water Pollution Control Permits
R.61-43Standards for the Permitting of Agricultural Animal Facilities
R.61-44Individual Residential Well & Irrigation Well Permitting
R.61-47 Shellfish
R.61-50Natural Public Swimming Areas
R.61-51Public Swimming Pools
R.61-58State Primary Drinking Water Regulations
R.61-67Standards for Wastewater Facility Construction
R.61-68Water Classifications and Standards
R.61-69Classified Waters
R.61-71Well Standards
R.61-82Proper Closeout of Wastewater Treatment Facilities
R.61-87Underground Injection Control Regulations
R.61-101Water Quality Certification
R.61-110Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) for Pollutants in Water
R.61-113Groundwater Use and Reporting
R.61-119Surface Water Withdrawal, Permitting, Use and Reporting
R.72-1 through 72-9Dams and Reservoirs Safety Act Regulations
R.72-101 through 72-108Erosion and Sediment Reduction and Stormwater Management
R.72-300 through 72-316
R.72-405 through 72-445
Standards for Stormwater Management and Sediment Reduction