SC BMP Handbook
A detailed description of most Best Management Practices and how to maintain them.

No Exposure Guide
EPA's Guidance Manual for Conditional Exclusion from Stormwater Permitting Based On "No Exposure" of Industrial Activities.

MS4 Guide
Contains examples of permit conditions and supporting rationale that could be used in "fact sheets" that accompany NPDES permits.
Below are tables providing downloadable pdfs of important Design Aid and Technical Documents that may be helpful when applying for coverage under one of SC's NPDES Stormwater Permit Programs.
Each section, separated by the type of activity the documents are associated with, contains a table listing each document and its respective description.
All current General Permits (GPs) are available for download below, along with many checklist, worksheets and fact sheets that will help you obtain coverage under one of the GPs.
Links for the Notice of Intents, Monthly Reports, and Notice of Terminations can be found on the Applications and Forms Page.
Construction Activities
2021 Construction General Permit (CGP) | NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities SCR100000 (PDF) (Effective 3/1/2021) |
2012 CGP SWPPPs Template | A SWPPP Template that may be used to create both the Comprehensive and On-site SWPPP as required by the 2012 CGP. |
2006 CGP SWPPP Update Template | A SWPPP Template that may be used to bring SWPPPs approved under the 2006 CGP into compliance with the 2012 CGP. (All 2006 SWPPPs must be updated by July 1, 2013.) |
BMP Handbook/Manual | The SC DHEC Stormwater Management BMP Handbook. A detailed description of approved Best Management Practices and how to maintain them. |
Plan Review Checklist | A design checklist to ensure that all aspects of the stormwater management regulations are addressed for individual land disturbing activities. Last updated February 2017. |
Modification Guidance | A guidance clarifying what constitutes a major modification from a minor modification. |
| A sample construction sequence that outlines where certain activities This is just a suggested sequence and may not be applicable or acceptable for all projects. |
303(d) List | A letter containing a table of all impaired water bodies of South Carolina, the location of these impairments, station names, and the cause of each impairment. |
Approved TMDL List | A detailed table of monitoring stations with developed TMDL, station names, locations, and impairments of concern. |
BMP Construction Details (CAD) | A collection of AutoCAD drawings for BMP construction details from the 2006 SC BMP Handbook. |
Permanent Maintenance Agreement | A Permanent Stormwater System Maintenance and Responsibility Agreement. This includes detention ponds, swales, and any other permanent BMPs that are used to treat water quality post-construction. |
Industrial Activities
Industrial General Permit | NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity SCR000000 (Effective 1/1/2011) |
No Exposure Certification Guidance | A link to EPA's Guidance Manual for Conditional Exclusion from Stormwater Permitting Based On "No Exposure" of Industrial Activities to Stormwater. |
Public Comment Response 2010 | The responses to public comments received for the Draft 2010 Industrial General Permit. |
Public Comment Response 2016 | The responses to public comments received for the Draft 2016 Industrial General Permit. |
Permit Fact Sheet | A fact sheet that describes the basis and procedures for re-issuance of a NPDES Permit (SCR000000) for discharge of stormwater from industrial activities. |
Sample SWPPP Template | A guidance document used to aid in the development of a site-specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Industrial Facilities. |
EPA Industrial Stormwater Sampling Guidance | An EPA provided guide on how to properly monitor and sample stormwater runoff from an Industrial Site. |
Training Presentation | The NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit Training Presentation used in the multiple training sessions for the 2010 Industrial General Permit. |
303(d) and TMDLS Presentation | The 303(d) and TMDLs Presentation explaining DHEC's perspective on these two pollutant classifications. |
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
MS4 General Permit | NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges From Regulated Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) SCR030000 (Effective 1/1/2014) |
Regulated Small MS4s | A list of Regulated Small MS4s by municipality and the associated Urbanized Areas. (07/2007) |
MS4 Improvement Guide | This guide contains examples of permit conditions and supporting rationale that could be used in "fact sheets" that accompany NPDES permits. This guide also includes recommendations for permit writers on how to tailor the language depending on the type or permit. (EPA Provided.) |
Fact Sheet on ELGs & NSPS from Constr. Sites | A Fact Sheet provided by the EPA on promulgating Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELGs) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) to control the discharge of pollutants from construction sites. |
EPA's Proposed Rulemaking to Strengthen the Stormwater Program | EPA is in the process of undertaking a rulemaking to strengthen and potentially expand the NPDES Stormwater Program. |
SC Legislative Permit Extension | A joint resolution to suspend the running of certain governmental approvals (including stormwater permits) affecting the development of real property within the state for the period beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2016. |