Freshwater Fisheries Section

FunctionResource (Adobe PDF files below)
Construction of the pond, manipulation of water quality, and fish population management.Excavated Pond Construction and Management 
file size - 92KB
Maintaining a healthy pond by helping the food chain.Farm Pond Fertilization and Liming 
file size - 90KB
Ponds where an individual pays a fee to fishFee Paid Ponds
file size - 16KB 
Sale of fish for stocking pondsIn-State & Out-of-State Commercial Aquaculturists 
file size - 179KB
Provide pond maintenance or information on the management of Ponds (Weed Control, water quality, spraying, fertilizing, liming, etc.Lake Management Consultants
file size - 20KB
A - Z guide on pond construction and managementPond Management Guide 
file size - 2MB
Farm fish pond management to restore fish population balance in farm pondsRestoration of Fish Population Balance 
file size - 51KB