Facilities that have more than the threshold quantity (TQ) of a 112(r) listed "regulated substance" in a single process must develop and implement a risk management program, by June 21, 1999, as specified by the rule. In terms of the regulation, "process" means manufacturing, storing, distributing, handling, or using a regulated substance in any way. Facilities subject to the rule must conduct a hazard assessment, compile a 5-year accident history, develop an accident prevention program, develop an emergency response program, and submit risk management information to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by June 21, 1999.

Over 200 sources in South Carolina submitted risk management information to EPA by the June 21, 1999 compliance deadline. Some of those sources include: water and wastewater treatment plants, chemical plants, pulp and paper mills, ammonia refrigeration facilities and warehouses, and agricultural retail facilities. Chlorine and ammonia were the two listed substances most facilities reported.
Threshold Determination Flowcharts - Flowcharts that will help you determine if your toxic or flammable substances are subject to 112(r).
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