The proposed project consists of the excavation of up to 75,000 cy of sand per event along the northern margin of Midway Inlet and the placement of this material along approximately 3,000 linear feet of beach fronting the Peninsula Community. The applicant is proposing up to two events to occur over the life of the project. The purpose is for maintenance nourishment and for inlet management to account for sand spreading from prior nourishment efforts, should it become an issue. Sand would be placed along an area spanning up to 3,000 linear feet of beach consistent with the placement area for the 2022 nourishment project. All work would be completed via land-based equipment (no hydraulic dredging).

Location of the project: on and adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean along the beach fronting the Peninsula Community, Litchfield Beach, Georgetown County, South Carolina. TMS: Various

Please click here for site plans and drawings.

Community Engagement


Public Hearing

The SCDES Bureau of Coastal Management will hold a public hearing in order to receive comments on the Peninsula POA - Midway Inlet Management Project on Monday, April 7, 2025 at 6:00 pm. The public hearing will be held at the Georgetown County Council Chambers located at 129 Screven Street, Suite 213, Georgetown, SC 29440.

During the public hearing, SCDES BCM staff will provide a brief summary of the proposed application and accept verbal comments for the record to be considered prior to making a final decision.  The hearing will be designed so that SCDES BCM staff can gather comments as to the merits of the project and consider all information when making a decision. The application was submitted pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act and the Coastal Division Regulations.


Anyone who plans to participate in the public hearing should complete the registration form before April 7, 2025.  

What to Expect

To ensure the Department gathers all presented information and has an opportunity to hear all formal comments gathered for the record, direct questioning during the open comment portion of the public hearing will not be allowed. 

The public notice for the inlet management project will remain open until April 21, 2025. Written comments will continue to be accepted through the public notice page until April 21, 2025. SCDES BCM's final permit decision will be made available on this webpage and by email or mail to everyone on the SCDES BCM’s mailing list who requested to be notified of the final Department decision.

Contact Information

For technical information regarding the critical area permit application, please contact  Dan O'Hara at (843) 438-3364 or