Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services will be migrating email services and staff will be unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Phone calls and text messages will not be interrupted during the email outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

Test Your Knowledge!

How much do you really know about our planet? Take our quiz to find out!

Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin is considered the “founder” of Earth Day. Nelson’s idea evolved over a seven-year period beginning in 1962 and resulted in the first Earth Day being held on April 22, 1970. The first Earth Day drew together more than 20 million Americans and became the largest grassroots demonstration in U.S. history. Participants took to the streets, lobbied Congress and began the modern environmental movement. Earth Day 1970 helped develop public support that led to the enactment of the Clean Air ActClean Water ActEndangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act as well as the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The rest is history. 

What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is a day when millions of people across the world come together to promote a cleaner, safer environment. Earth Day is held every year on April 22.

Every individual on this earth has a voice and the ability to help take care of our planet. As inhabitants of the earth, we can invest our time, energy, and efforts to conserve our planet for future generations. 


Below are some local and global ways YOU can invest in South Carolina and our planet: 

Fun Earth Day Resources! 

SCDES (Formerly DHEC) 2023 Earth Day Lunch & Learns

 SC State Parks

Caring for Pollinators

SCDES Resources