The Risk Management Plan (RMP) is a summary of the Risk Management Program. New or modified facilities must submit an RMP to the EPA prior to the storing of a regulated substance onsite above the threshold quantity.

The RMP contains:

  • A list of data elements that cover all aspects of the Risk Management Program
  • An Executive Summary.

The RMP format is straightforward and easy to follow. The RMP form consists mainly of "fill-in-the-blank" and "check-box" type questions.

The RMP must be submitted electronically. Facilities that do not have access to computers are encouraged to find access to a computer through organizations such as trade associations, local industry, copy stores that offer computer rentals, local community colleges, state and local governmental offices, local emergency planning committee offices, and local public libraries. Facilities without reasonable access to a computer or that cannot afford to submit their RMPs electronically may contact EPA.

Preparing and Submitting Your Risk Management Plan (Under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act) - Using RMP*eSubmit™

Review and Update Information

  • Update the offsite consequence analysis every 5 years
  • If changes in process, quantities, or any other aspect might either increase or decrease the impact radius for a particular regulated substance by a factor of 2 or more, the facility must complete a revised analysis within 6 months of the change and submit a revised RMP.
  • If a facility plans to use a regulated substance that was not previously included in the RMP, a revised offsite consequence analysis and RMP must be submitted before the new regulated substance is on the property.