Vulcan Construction Materials LLC has applied for environmental permits from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) to mine limestone at a site located on Addidas Road in Orangeburg County, approximately 3.5 miles southeast of Eutawville, SC. A proposed reclamation plan to restore the site to grassland and a lake/pond has been submitted with the application.  

This webpage has been developed by DHEC as a community resource and will be updated as new information is made available. Please bring this webpage to the attention of others you know who may be interested.


DHEC’s Bureau of Land and Waste Management (BLWM) received an application for a mine operating permit for the proposed Orangeburg Limestone Quarry on September 25, 2023. The BLWM provided notice of the application in the Orangeburg Leader newspaper and began accepting comments on January 3, 2024. Additionally, the public notice was mailed to adjacent landowners, local and state government/regulatory agencies, and other interested parties. The public notice was also posted on DHEC’s ePermitting Portal.

The mine permit application, reclamation plan, maps, and other related documents are available below. These documents, as well as others used in the BLWM technical review/permitting process, are also available online through the end of the public comment period.

Written comments on the mine permit application were accepted through February 23, 2024.

A final decision on the mine permit application will not be made until after review and consideration of all comments received through the end of the comment period.

Questions about the proposed Orangeburg Limestone Quarry and the BLWM’s mine permitting process may be directed to:

Kaylin Joye
Phone: (803) 898-1367

Air Quality

An air quality construction permit is required for any entity that plans to construct, alter, or add to a source of air pollution, including the installation of any air pollution control device. The permit must be issued before any construction-related activities occur at the site. If issued, the permit allows for the installation, modification, and start of operation of equipment.

On October 20, 2023, Vulcan Construction Materials LLC – Orangeburg Quarry applied to Bureau of Air Quality (BAQ) for an air quality construction permit for the proposed aggregate limestone quarry, including a 600 tons per hour processing plant near Eutawville, SC.

The BAQ has completed a technical review of the application. The technical review included reviewing emission calculations, performing a regulatory review, conducting an ambient air quality analysis, and verifying that the proposed project can meet all applicable air quality regulations if constructed and operated as proposed in the air permit application. Once the technical review was completed, a draft air construction permit containing all applicable emission limitations and requirements was placed on public notice on January 3, 2024.

The public notice, along with the draft construction permit (containing all applicable emission limitations and requirements), draft statement of basis, and permit application are available below:

Final Air Construction Permit Decision

On August 15, 2024, the BAQ issued a Department Decision to approve an air quality permit to construct and operate a limestone quarry and processing plant for the Orangeburg Quarry. This decision was made after consideration and complete review of the permit application, applicable state and federal air quality regulations, comments made at the public hearing held on February 8, 2024, all comments received within the required time frame, the public hearing transcript, and all other pertinent information. All comments received were reviewed for technical merit and have been included in SCDES's permanent record.

Final air construction permit decision documents are available below:

Questions about the air permit decision and the BAQ’s permitting process may be directed to:

Mareesa Singleton
Phone: (803) 898-4113

Water Quality

SCDES’s Bureau of Water (BOW) issues National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits to minimize environmental impacts from stormwater runoff and other water discharges that may occur during construction and operation of a facility.

Coverage under NPDES General Permit SCG73000 “Discharges Associated with Nonmetal Mineral Mining Facilities” is required for the proposed Orangeburg Limestone Quarry in conjunction with a mine operating permit. This general permit coverage addresses water quality issues for both stormwater and wastewater discharged from the site. It also requires the installation of Best Management Practices for sediment and erosion control and reporting and inspection requirements.

On November 6, 2023, the BOW received a Notice of Intent (NOI) from Vulcan Construction Materials LLC requesting coverage under existing NPDES General Permit SCG73000 for the proposed Orangeburg Limestone Quarry. A final decision regarding NPDES general permit coverage for the proposed quarry has not yet been made. 

Documents related to the BOW’s NPDES permitting process for the proposed Orangeburg Limestone Quarry are available below:

Questions about NPDES general permit coverage and the BOW’s permitting process may be directed to:

Brett Caswell
Phone: (803) 898-4396

Public Meeting and Public Hearing

DHEC held a combination public meeting and public hearing on the proposed Orangeburg Limestone Quarry on February 8, 2024, at the Eutawville Community Center located at 419 Porcher Avenue in Eutawville. The public meeting was held from 6:00 – 7:00 PM, with the public hearing held immediately thereafter. 

The public meeting was informal and provided an opportunity for participants to have a discussion with DHEC staff about the proposed quarry and environmental permitting process prior to giving comments at the public hearing. The meeting included DHEC presentations about the mine permit application and draft air permit. Staff from DHEC’s Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Water, and Bureau of Environment Health Services were at the meeting to address questions and concerns. 

For additional information about SCDES public meetings and public hearings, please refer to:

Impact of Public Comments in SCDES’s Permitting Process 

SCDES values all comments made during the public comment period. Local community members provide a unique perspective and are valuable resources in addressing community concerns in the permitting process.  Becoming better informed is an important first step in providing effective public comments that may influence specific terms and conditions that must be followed by the owner/operator if a permit is issued.

Effective comments are those that provide accurate, specific details about the site of a proposed project, inaccuracies in the permit application, errors in SCDES’s technical review or draft permit, and any other information demonstrating that a proposed project cannot operate in compliance with environmental regulations.   

It is important to know that SCDES cannot make a permit decision based on a vote or how many comments are received. There are also some common issues/comments related to mining operations that SCDES does not have the regulatory or legal authority to consider when making a permit decision, for example:   

  • Truck traffic, access to public roads, weight limits, and traffic patterns are governed by the South Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) and the local county. 
  • Industrial development and operating hours are governed by the local county through zoning and land use planning. 

Beginning a conversation early about these and other quality of life issues is an effective way for communities to work together with local government officials, their legislative delegation, mining representatives, and other interested parties to find solutions and reach common goals.

What to Expect After the Public Comment Period Closes 

After the public comment period closes, SCDES will review and consider all comments received before making final decisions on the mine permit application and draft air permit. Additional information may also be requested from the applicant, if needed. 
Once final decisions are made, SCDES will provide notification to:

  • Everyone on our mailing list for the proposed Orangeburg Limestone Quarry;
  • Everyone who attended the public meeting/hearing (provided legible contact information was given); and
  • Everyone who provided written comments during the public comment period. 

The final decisions will also be posted on this webpage. Summary responses to all comments received will also be made available.

If you would like to be on our mailing list, please complete our registration form

Filing a Request for Final Review

S.C Code Ann. § 48-6-30(D)(2) provides: “Within thirty calendar days after the mailing of a decision [pursuant to S.C. Code Ann.§ 48-6-30(D)(1)], an applicant, permittee, licensee, certificate holder, or affected person desiring to contest the department decision may request a contested case hearing before the Administrative Law Court, in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act.” Should you have a question regarding the filing of a request for contested case hearing, please contact the South Carolina Administrative Law Court (

South Carolina Mining Council

The SC Mining Council resides in the Office of the Governor and acts as an advisory body to the Governor in considering issues relating to mining. The Council considers appeals on decisions made by SCDES regarding the enforcement of South Carolina’s Mining Act

Stay Connected - Community Engagement

SCDES is committed to providing meaningful opportunities to hear the questions and concerns of community members and the sharing information on our permitting processes. SCDES offers multiple ways to connect with our staff during the permitting process and beyond, including:

  • Calling or connecting with SCDES staff to discuss the proposed project one-on-one.
  • Submitting a written comment or question.
  • Receiving additional information by email or mail.
  • Visiting this webpage for information and updates.
  • Staying informed about local mining issues in your community.

Additionally, we hope the following information will provide a better understanding of how you can be involved in SCDES’s decision-making process:

SCDES encourages residents to ask questions and share information with us. Staying engaged in our process helps us to learn more about your community. 

Questions about community engagement in SCDES’s permitting process may be directed to:

Donna Moye
Phone: (803) 898-1382