Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services will be migrating email services and staff will be unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Phone calls and text messages will not be interrupted during the email outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

About the Report 

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) provides its fines and fees report online by Sept. 1 each year. This report is required of each state agency by Proviso 117.70 and promotes accountability and transparency. 

Proviso 117.69 states: In order to promote accountability and transparency, each state agency must provide and release to the public via the agency's website, a report of all aggregate amounts of fines and fees that were charged and collected by that state agency in the prior fiscal year.  The report shall include, but not be limited to:  (1) the code section, regulation, or proviso that authorized the fines and fees to be charged, collected, or received; (2) the amount of the fine or fee; (3) the amount received by source; (4) the purpose for which the funds were expended by the agency; (5) the amount of funds transferred to the general fund, if applicable, and the authority by which the transfer took place; and (6) the amount of funds transferred to another entity, if applicable, and the authority by which the transfer took place, as well as the name of the entity to which the funds were transferred.  The report must be posted online by September first.  Additionally, the report must be delivered to the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee by September first.  Funds appropriated to and/or authorized for use by each state agency shall be used to accomplish this directive.