Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services will be migrating email services and staff will be unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Phone calls and text messages will not be interrupted during the email outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

Major development activities include any construction activity that is not defined as minor activity (e.g. bridges, boat ramps, marinas, dredging, community docks, commercial facilities, etc.).

Due to the complex nature of these types of projects, a pre-application meeting with a Critical Area Project Manager is highly encouraged before submitting a critical area permit application.

Applicable Regulations

For additional information regarding...


Fee Schedule

Permit TypeFee
Minor Permit for private docks with walkways 101' and longer$250
Minor Permit for private docks with walkways 100' or less$150
Minor Permit for erosion control structures (non-beachfront)$250
Minor Permit for additions to docks not covered under the general permit (boat storage dock, floating jet dock, etc.)$250
Dock General Permit$100
Major Permit$1,000
Minor Permit Transfers and Extensions$25
Major Permit Transfers and Extensions$100
Minor Permit Amendment$100
Major Permit Amendment$1,000