SCDES's Radioactive Waste program:

  • Carries out the responsibilities delegated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as an Agreement State
  • Regulates the Barnwell low-level radioactive waste disposal facility (also known as the Chem-Nuclear Site)
  • Regulates the transportation of radioactive waste into and within South Carolina
  • Licenses facilities that process and transport radioactive waste
  • Provides technical assistance to other areas of SCDES, industry, and government agencies, such as oversight of the Savannah River Site
  • Provides technical assistance in regulating air emissions of radionuclides at federal facilities
  • Conducts engineering reviews of waste processes and containment systems
  • Provides oversight of radiological decommissioning at state and federal facilities

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Lynne Garner, Manager, (803) 898-0493

Radioactive Waste Staff, (803)-898-0422