To report ongoing chemical releases, oil spills, or fish kills, contact the toll-free 24-hour SCDHEC response line 888-481-0125.

If you suspect, are aware of, or have witnessed any oil, petroleum, chemical, or hazardous material release or a fish kill, please notify the toll-free 24-hour SCDHEC response line.

If you are with a local response organization (police, fire, EMS), please report oil or hazardous material releases to SCDHEC for cases in which you are, or your organization is, the responsible party.

The response of SCDHEC to release incidents is authorized by law. This regulatory authority enables SCDHEC to ensure that incidents are documented, responsible parties are identified, and environmental impacts are addressed.

SCDHEC emergency response operations are conducted state and federal procedures in cooperation federal, state, and local agencies as well as other involved parties.

For a directory of commercial organizations available for spill and release emergency response, refer to the Directory of Cleanup Contractors and Vendors

To report an environmental concern other than an oil, petroleum, chemical, hazardous material release, or fish kill, please click here

For a list of SC Fire Departments, refer to the SC Firefighter's Association.