Email Outage: Sept. 6 - 9

The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services will be migrating email services and staff will be unable to send or receive messages from 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 6 until 7 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Phone calls and text messages will not be interrupted during the email outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and support as we make this transition to better serve you in the future.

This webpage is no longer maintained. It may be useful as background information or to provide a historical perspective on a topic or project.  

DHEC is aware of soil and groundwater contamination on the Seaco property. We recognize that local residents have concerns about this contamination. It is important to note that the communities surrounding the Seaco site are served by a public water system. There is no risk of groundwater contamination when drinking, preparing food, bathing or irrigating with water supplied by a public water system. We remain committed to ensuring that the health of the public and our environment are protected.

Groundwater investigation activities began at the Seaco property in 1991 following a complaint concerning an apparent asphalt spill. At that time, DHEC conducted an inspection and collected soil samples from the site. Petroleum compounds were found in the soil samples. Based on those findings, DHEC requested that Seaco perform a groundwater investigation to determine if there had been any impact to the groundwater. This investigation confirmed that petroleum products had been released to the groundwater. DHEC required Seaco to install monitoring wells and submit a soil and groundwater assessment plan to clean up the petroleum contamination. In December 1992, an underground storage tank and most of the contaminated soils were removed. Fuel oil that had collected in monitoring wells was also removed. Based on the results of the groundwater investigation and the limited amount of contamination, the remaining petroleum was allowed to degrade, or breakdown, naturally.

The groundwater has been monitored annually at the site since 1992. In 1997, it was determined that all contaminants associated with the petroleum release, with the exception of naphthalene, had degraded to below levels that are considered safe and protective of human health and the environment. Monitoring of naphthalene has continued at the site since 1997.

Additional soil and groundwater investigations were recently conducted as part of a prebuy assessment for the property. In May 2012, these investigations revealed the presence of arsenic in the soils and groundwater on the property. It is believed that this contamination originated from a fertilizer production facility that was located there prior to 1949. The results of the most recent soil and groundwater investigations can be found in Phase I and Phase II reports for the Seaco site. Further assessment and monitoring to determine the nature and extent of the recently discovered contamination are required under the Brownfields/Voluntary Cleanup Contract (VCC) for the Seaco property. DHEC continues to work with the past owner to address cleanup of the site.

For questions or additional information concerning soil or groundwater contamination at or around the Seaco site, please contact Keith Collinsworth at (803) 896-4181 or Ken Taylor at (803) 896-4011.

Seaco, Inc. Annual Routine Groundwater Monitoring Report - July 2011

Seaco, Inc. Monitoring Well and Groundwater Flow Map - July 2011
