SCDES has developed training to help users with navigating the ePermitting system. 

Because the move from the department’s previous database is complex, programs will not all move to ePermitting at the same time.  As programs move forward with the shift, they will communicate with their impacted users about training, how to access the system, and what to look forward to as users begin to use the new system. If you have any questions, please contact us

ePermitting is designed to work best using Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome on a personal computer. Users may also find that ePermitting works on tablets, but we do not recommend accessing it on a phone.


All videos can be seen on our YouTube ePermitting playlist.

Creating an Account

Logging In

Resetting Your Password

Locating Your Site


Getting Started

Creating An Account

Logging In 

Locating Your Site 

Managing Accounts & Sites

Activating and Deactivating Users

Reviewing or Entering Information on Your Site 

Inviting Additional Users 

Linking Your Account to a Site 

Creating a Payment Voucher (Invoice) 

Paying Invoices Online 

Paying Invoices by Mail 

Paying Multiple Invoices 

Sign Up for Event Alerts 


Submitting a Permit Change/Renewal Form

Submission Revisions

Working with Submission Packages


CROMERR Process 

Manual DMR Entry 


Resetting Your Password 


ePermitting CROMERR Certifier Agreement 

ePermitting Certifier Agreement Clarification Memo
