For Title V sources, annual fees are based on actual emissions of billable pollutants from the facility’s emissions inventory report.

All regulated pollutants, except carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide equivalents, are included in this billing determination. Pollutants that are Federal Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) or State Toxic Air Pollutants (TAPs) and also VOCs or particulate matter are only billed once, even though these pollutants may be tracked separately in the inventory.

In addition to the cost per ton rate described on the main fee page, Title V facilities are required to pay a maintenance fee per the following table. The total annual fee for each Title V facility is the sum of the billable emissions at the cost per ton rate and the maintenance fee.

Total Billable EmissionsMaintenance Fee
< 10 tons$500.00
10-50 tons$1,000.00
50-100 tons$2,000.00
100-250 tons$3,500.00
250-1,000 tons$6,500.00
>1,000 tons$10,000.00

Beginning with the FY2022 billing cycle, invoices will be mailed to Title V facilities in January following the start of the fiscal year. For example, invoices for FY2022 (which begins July 1, 2021) will be mailed in January, 2022. Invoices for FY2023 (which begins July 1, 2022) will be mailed in January, 2023.

Other than shifting the timing of the invoices, no other changes are being made. Invoices are still based on twelve months of emissions from the latest emissions inventory. Invoices are also due upon receipt and subject to late fees for unpaid balances.  This time schedule only applies to Title V sources.