The South Carolina Manufacturer Responsibility and Consumer Convenience Information Technology Equipment Collection and Recovery Act

- Passed in 2010 that banned the disposal of specific electronics in solid waste landfills (Section 48-60-90); effective July 1, 2011. Given that, the legislation established requirements for landfill owners and operators in regards to keeping covered computer and television devices from being disposed of in the state's landfills.
- Revised on March 4, 2014 to add more specific requirements and recovery obligations for computer monitor and television manufacturers.
- These new requirements are in addition to existing prohibitions on disposal of electronics in Class 1 and Class 2 landfills in South Carolina.
- Revisions were passed to the Act during the 2021-2022 Legislative Session. These requirements modified recycling obligations for television and computer monitor manufacturers to a “convenience standard”, updates definitions, updates requirements for recoverers and collectors of covered devices, and pushes the sunset date to December 31, 2029.
To read the full Act, select 'Electronics Legislation' under 'Downloads & Links'.
Covered Computer and Television Devices
The legislation defines covered computer devices to include desktop, laptop and tablet computers as well as computer monitors and printers intended for use by a consumer (Section 48-60-20).
The legislation defines covered television devices as electronic devices that contains a cathode-ray tube or flat panel screen the size of which is greater than four inches when measured diagonally and is intended to receive video programming via broadcast, cable, satellite, Internet, or other mode of video transmission or to receive video from surveillance or other similar cameras. (Section 48-60-20).
Recovery Requirements
Covered devices must be recovered in a manner that complies with all applicable federal, state and local requirements (Sections 48-60-140 and 48-60-142).
Recoverers - persons or entities that reuse or recycle a covered device - must, at a minimum, comply with the responsible recycling practices (R2) or other comparable industry or governmental standards (Section 48-60-140) as well as the requirements listed in Section 48-60-142 of the Act. The S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control recognizes that recycling facilities that are (1) R2 certified or (2) designated as e-Stewards Recyclers have satisfied this requirement.
E-scrap recyclers of consumer devices must be registered in South Carolina using DHEC Form 2661: Consumer Electronics Recycler Registration Form. Download the following PDF.
D-2661 Consumer Electronics Recycler Registration Form
Email or call 1-800-768-7348.