The South Carolina Coastal Tidelands and Wetlands Act (the Act) provides the authority for SCDES BCM to review activities within the eight coastal counties for consistency with the South Carolina Coastal Zone Management Plan (CZMP). The most recently revised Coastal Zone Management Plan Policies and Procedures shall be used to guide certification review
The “Act” states SCDES BCM “shall have the authority to review all state and federal permit applications in the coastal zone and to certify that these do not contravene the management plan” as there is a need for the State “to manage the wise conservation and use of these valuable resources of the coastal zone.” This is based on the goal “to protect the quality of the coastal environment and to promote the economic and social improvement of the coastal zone and of all the people of the State."
The CZMP contains the specific goals, objectives, and policies necessary for staff review of development activities taking place in the eight coastal counties. It also contains the basic procedures involved in the management of specific coastal resources, such as endangered species and archaeological and historical resources, as well as procedures for dock master plans and wetland master plans.