Delivery Prohibition

Delivery Prohibition (R.61-92, Part 280.26 (a)-(h)) is when the Division prohibits the delivery of fuel to an underground storage tank system by placing a red tag on the fill port. The process of delivery prohibition will most often begin by issuance of a Notice of Alleged Violation, either for compliance violations, financial responsibility violations, or operator training violations. After the 30 day follow-up period has passed, and compliance has still not been reached, a delivery prohibition letter will be issued.

Watershed Plan Development Grant

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides set-aside funds for the development of watershed plans to address surface water pollutants impacting source water for drinking water systems. A watershed plan can enhance or augment a source water protection (SWP) plan in that it encompasses the entire watershed that impacts the supply source, as well as the delineated source water protection area. Once a watershed plan is in place, it becomes the guidance and framework for any water quality improvement activities in that watershed.

Stormwater: Low Impact Development

Low Impact Development (LID) refers to a set of stormwater management approaches that are implemented to reduce runoff and pollutant loadings as close to their source(s) as possible. Through these approaches, permanent water quality can be micromanaged at various locations around the site in lieu of larger BMPs near the outfall of the drainage area.

Residential Subdivisions

There are a few additional design considerations that will need to be taken into account when preparing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for Residential Subdivisions, particularly those developing subdivisions.

Residential Subdivision Guidance

Residential Disturbance Formula

Amount of Disturbance = 2[Max Restricted Building Size][Number of Lots] + Right of Way Areas
*Max Restricted Building Size = Maximum
Disturbed Area per Lot (Acres)