Tropical Storm Debby Recovery and Requirements 

After a tropical event, SCDES’s Bureau of Coastal Management (BCM) team assesses damage to beachfront structures within the state's jurisdiction so that these issues can be resolved as quickly as possible. Coastal residents should report damage to beachfront structures, including homes, pools, seawalls, revetments, and dune walkovers, at MyCoast SC Storm Witness Program. The Department uses this online portal to collect and analyze pictures and data about coastal events. Submitted reports can help SCDES BCM efficiently assess post-storm damage and expedite permitting and other regulatory decisions. Property owners should also report damage to structures, including homes, to their local building officials. 

Emergency Orders for Critical Areas

Statewide Emergency Orders (Beaches and Beach/Dune System Critical Areas)

SCDES BCM has issued blanket emergency orders to beachfront property owners and government authorities statewide to allow them to conduct minor renourishment, sand scraping, or install sandbags to provide temporary protection to beachfront structures from wave uprush. The accomplishment of any work under, 24-EO-TSD1 for sandbags, 24-EO-TSD2 for sand scraping, and 24-EO-TSD3 for minor renourishment, issued in response to the potential impacts of Tropical Storm Debby, is limited to only those habitable structures and critical infrastructure that would be deemed in an imminent danger from erosion. Per Critical Area Permitting Regulations R.30-15(H), imminent danger is described as when the erosion is within 20 feet of a structure or if the Department determines that extenuating circumstances related to site conditions exist. These orders are effective starting August 5, 2024 and will expire on September 4, 2024. If after that time, a structure is still considered in imminent danger, property owners may request an individual emergency order from the Department to extend the time for protection.

SCDES BCM has also issued an emergency order for returning sand to the beach statewide across all coastal counties, 24-EO-TSD4.

Statewide Emergency Orders (All Critical Areas)

SCDES BCM has also issued an emergency order for marine debris removal from the critical area(s) of all coastal counties, 24-EO-TSD5, to allow the general public to remove boats and debris from the critical area(s) of the state using all best practices and measures. The public should report waterway debris, including vessels and structures to their local emergency management officials at the county or municipal level.

Please be advised that federal authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USACE, may be required for the state authorized activities in the above emergency orders. You must coordinate with the USACE to determine if federal authorization is required. Please use the following link to assist you in understanding federal requirements:

Sea turtle nesting season officially extends until October 31st. Anyone working on the beach under these orders is advised to exercise extreme care to ensure there are no impacts to this endangered species, as described in the requirements of each order.

Emergency General Permits: Tidelands Critical Area

SCDES BCM has not issued Emergency General Permits at this time for activities within Tidelands Critical Areas (e.g. docks, bulkheads, marinas).  SCDES BCM is closely monitoring impacts from Tropical Storm Debby on coastal communities. Depending on the severity of impacts, BCM may issue emergency authorizations on a statewide, local/countywide, or case-by-case basis. 

Please continue to monitor this website for additional information on emergency orders and authorizations.

Post-Storm Recovery 

Permitting priorities for SCDES BCM after Tropical Storm Debby will focus on repair and maintenance of existing structures impacted by the event. Depending on the severity of damage to our coastal communities, issuance of permits for non-essential alteration to the critical areas may experience processing delays. We appreciate your patience during this time. Structures located within the state's critical area jurisdictions that were impacted by Tropical Storm Debby may require various authorizations by SCDES BCM prior to repair or reconstruction.