The Surface Water Program held workshops to highlight streamflow monitoring needs in the State and to solicit additional monitoring recommendations.
SCDNR hosted two streamflow monitoring workshops in early 2016 to highlight streamflow monitoring needs in the State and to solicit additional monitoring recommendations. The workshops were attended by a wide variety of stakeholders including local, state and federal agencies, water suppliers, power utilities and conservation groups. A total of 105 recommendations were made during these workshops. Since 2016, 40 of the recommendations have been funded by SCDNR or other State and Federal agencies. The map below shows the 105 recommendations and highlights the 40 newly funded sites (PDF version of this map - 8mb).
The 105 recommendations are also listed in the table below. The Reactivation Sites tab designates sites where the United States Geological Survey (USGS) has previously collected streamflow data but are not currently collecting data. The New Sites tabs are stream reaches or sites where the USGS has not previously collected data. Most sites are recommended for stream discharge measurements; however, conductivity monitoring also was recommended for several sites along the coast, while a few other sites in the State were recommended for stream discharge and water quality monitoring. The Funded Recommendations tab lists those sites or reaches that have been funded since the workshops in 2016.