Infectious Waste Regulation - Overview

The Infectious Waste Program regulates generators and transporters of infectious waste in South Carolina as well as facilities that treat infectious waste.

In South Carolina, there are approximately 9000 registered generators of infectious waste, 30 registered transporters of infectious waste, and 2 registered treatment facilities for infectious waste.

What is Infectious Waste?

Also known as medical or biohazardous waste, infectious waste is material that was used in healthcare, research or postmortem exams. It includes:

Disposing of Needles

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Many residents have medical conditions that require self-injections at home. Because of issues regarding safety and the spread of disease, the disposal of home-generated needles, syringes and lancets (or "sharps") has caused some concern among families and trash collection services as well as landfill and recycling staff.

SCDES Laws and Regulations: Land Waste Management

The following list is a comprehensive compilation of the Department of Environmental Service’s (SCDES) land and waste management laws and regulations. Copies of these laws and regulations are provided by SCDES for the convenience of the public. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this list. However, this list is not the official text. SCDES reserves the right to withdraw or correct this list if deviations from the official text as published in the South Carolina State Register are found.

Bureau of Land and Waste Management Permitting Information

Quarries - Mining Permits

Regulatory Authority for Program

SC Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) has the authority to regulate mining under Title 48 of the South Carolina Mining Act (Act). Chapter 89 of the South Carolina Code of Regulations governs how SCDES implements the provisions of the Act.

What is subject to review?

The purpose of the Act and Regulations are to provide that: