The BMP Handbook is provided below as a complete download and as individual sections. This handbook evaluates numerous Best Management Practices (BMPs) by detailing BMP usage, installation, inspection, maintenance, and design specifications. The handbook also provides design aids that give guidance on how to determine trapping efficiencies of various Sediment Control BMPs.

The proper use of BMPs is essential to effectively handle stormwater runoff from construction activities. These practices should be implemented in site-specific SWPPPs to identify and promote stormwater pollution prevention.

Update: The Department will be revising sections of the BMP Handbook on a section-by-section basis, and due to these revisions the full version of the manual has been taken down. All sections of the handbook are still available through the links provided below. 

Stormwater Documents

Click here to download the most recent documents that will help you obtain, maintain, or terminate coverage under the General Permits.

Applications & Forms

Click here to download any of the applications or forms that will help you obtain or terminate coverage under the General Permits.

Final Stabilization

Click here to learn more about how to reach final stabilization during land disturbing activities.

SCDES BMP Handbook

Erosion Prevention BMPs

Sediment Control BMPs

Runoff Control and Conveyance BMPs

Low Impact Development (LID) BMPs

Structural Water Quality BMPs