A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is a site-specific document or collection of documents that identifies the potential sources of stormwater pollution, describes stormwater control measures, such as BMPs, to reduce or eliminate the identified pollutants, and that also identifies procedures operators will implement to comply with specific permit conditions. A SWPPP can be provided for a number of circumstances, but the most common is to address stormwater pollutants during construction activities and during the operation of industrial activities.

With respect to Construction Activities, the SWPPP term is subdivided into two categories, the Comprehensive SWPPP (C-SWPPP) and the On-Site SWPPP (OS-SWPPP).

The C-SWPPP, identified in Section 3.1.1.G of the 2012 Stormwater CGP, is the collection of documents submitted for coverage approval under the Construction General Permit. It includes the Notice of Intent (the application), Construction Site Plans, and the SWPPP Document. The SWPPP Document is prepared in accordance with Section 3.2 of the 2012 Stormwater CGP.


Best Management Practices (BMPs) are an essential part to any stormwater management plan.

Final Stabilization

In order to terminate NPDES coverage the site must achieve 70% permanent vegetative cover.


Site Inspections are required to be conducted by a certified inspector until NPDES coverage is terminated.

The following is a list of items that each SWPPP Document (commonly referred to as the C-SWPPP) must address in order to be considered in compliance with the 2012 Stormwater CGP:

  • Project Narrative;
  • Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Plan;
  • Sequence of Construction;
  • Site Features and Sensitive Areas;
  • Buffer Zone Management;
  • Sources of Pollution;
  • Best Management Practices (BMPs);
  • Site Maps (such as Vicinity, Topographic, Soils, etc.);
  • Engineering Reports;
  • Non-Numeric Effluent Limits;
  • Management of Non-Stormwater Discharges; and,
  • TMDLs and Impaired Waters Documentation.

For a template of a C-SWPPP and a Plan Review Checklist that addresses the above permit requirements, please see the following links.

The OS-SWPPP is a condensed version of the Comprehensive SWPPP that includes various logs to track the construction activity, inspections, maintenance activities, rainfall, and other information pertinent to maintaining compliance with the 2012 Stormwater CGP. The OS-SWPPP is created after approval of the C-SWPPP and then brought out to the construction site.

The OS-SWPPP should include all contents of the approved C-SWPPP except for the Engineering Reports. Additionally, the OS-SWPPP should include the following:

  • A Copy or Link to the 2012 Stormwater Construction General Permit;
  • The Approve Notice of Intent;
  • The CGP Coverage Approval Letter;
  • Any necessary Local Approvals to conduct the proposed construction activities;
  • Any necessary USACOE approvals;
  • Critical Area Permit authorization (Coastal Counties Only);
  • Contractor Certifications;
  • Logs/Records to Track Site Progress and Rainfall; and,
  • CZC Certifications (Coastal Counties Only).

The template for a C-SWPPP can be used to create the OS-SWPPP. Just rename and add the sections or documents that were not required to be in the C-SWPPP. Please see the following link for a link to this template.