SCDES receives an annual grant allocation from EPA under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to help prevent, control and/or abate nonpoint source pollution (NPS) in support of the state's NPS Management Plan. In addition to regulatory efforts, SCDES passes a portion of these funds to stakeholders through a competitive process to fund eligible projects. These 319 projects implement an approved watershed plan containing EPA’s nine elements, and are intended to reduce pollutant loads, leading to measurable water quality improvements in the target watershed.


South Carolina public organizations such as state agencies, local governments, public universities, soil and water conservation districts, regional planning commissions, watershed organizations and nonprofit organizations are eligible to receive NPS grants.


319 Projects must include best management practices (BMPs) that implement an approved watershed plan which meets EPA's nine elements. Projects may implement a portion of a plan, or a complete plan. SCDES staff review watershed plans to ensure that they are consistent with EPA guidelines. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to the Nonpoint Source Coordinator and/or their basin's Watershed Manager for technical assistance when writing a plan or considering applying for a 319 project.

  1. Projects must implement an existing watershed plan that addresses EPA's nine elements for watershed planning;
  2. On-the-ground BMP implementation must make up a minimum of 75% of the federal funds requested;
  3. Projects must include a 40% non-federal cash or in-kind match.

To be added to the NPS Distribution List to receive email notification of all RFP release information, application details, and program announcements, please send your email address to Shea McCarthy, .