SCDES’s Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program annually identifies a successful restoration effort achieved using 319 grants from EPA. These success stories highlight documented water quality improvements to water bodies impaired by nonpoint source pollution. Local stakeholders implement best management practices (BMPs) identified in an approved watershed plan. View the success stories below.

For more information visit SCDES’s Nonpoint Source Program and EPA’s website. The 319 project locations can be viewed using the SC Watershed Atlas.

Success Stories

2024--Section 319 Grant Impacts More Than 1,000 Citizens in Horry County, South Carolina

2023--Ecological Restoration by Daylighting a Smith Branch Tributary

2022--Urban Retrofit Leads to Reopening Shellfish Harvesting Waters in Battery Creek

2021--Improving Shellfish Waters through Multi-Phase Implementation in May River

2020--Urban Retrofit Leads to Reopening Shellfish Harvesting Waters in Battery Creek 

2019--Watershed Project Leads to Cleaner Water in Smith Swamp

2018--Making Progress Through Implementation and Partnership in Brunson Swamp

2017--Outreach, Partnerships, and Implementation Improve Rabon Creek

2016--Septic System Repairs Improve Water Quality in Horse Creek

2015--Comprehensive Nonpoint Source Management Addressed Fecal Coliform Bacteria Impairment in Bulls Bay, Shellfishing Area 7

2014--Installing Best Management Practices and Educating Stakeholders Improves Water Quality in Enoree River Watershed

2013--Implementing Best Management Practices Reduces Fecal Coliform Bacteria Levels in Scape Ore Swamp

2013--Best Management Practices Improve Water Quality in the Upper Little Pee Dee River

2012--Community-Led Effort Reduces Bacteria in the Tyger River

2011--Implementing Best Management Practices and Upgrading Wastewater Infrastructure Improves Water Quality in Cane and Little Cane Creeks

2010--Removing Sources of Fecal Coliform Improves Water Quality in Thompson Creek

2010--Adding Agricultural Best Management Practices and Repairing Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Improves Water Quality in Fishing Creek

2010--Implementing a Total Maximum Daily Load Reduces Bacteria in Rocky Creek

2007--Homeowners and Agricultural Community Reduce Bacteria Levels in Two Oconee County Watersheds