Vulcan Project

Below you will find a list of applications and supporting information received by S.C. Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) for the proposed Vulcan Project.

On Nov. 12, 2015, SCDES's Bureau of Land and Waste Management (BLWM) received an application for an Individual Mine Operating Permit. The public comment period for the mine application will extend, at a minimum, into May 31, 2016.

Questions about the mining application may be directed to:

Able Contracting Fire


On January 6, 2020, DHEC completed the removal of material from the Able site to prevent reignition and recurrence of smoke. As lead agency, DHEC oversaw the removal of material from the site in collaboration with local, county and state partners.

DHEC’s number one priority, while the site was cleaned up, was the protection of public health and the environment.



Westinghouse owns and operates the Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility located on 1,156 acres off Bluff Road in Hopkins, Lower Richland County, South Carolina. The facility has been in operation since 1969 and manufactures nuclear fuel assemblies used in power plants to generate electricity throughout the United States. The Westinghouse Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility in Hopkins is not a nuclear power plant and does not generate electricity. 

CSXT Bramlett Road Site (aka Duke Power Manufactured Gas Plant)


The CSXT Bramlett Road Site (Site) consists of five parcels in Greenville, South Carolina, including the former location of a Duke Power Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP), which covers 3.69 acres and is located at 400 South Bramlett Road, and a seven-acre unpermitted construction and demolition debris landfill (a/k/a Vaughn Landfill) downgradient of the former MGP property. The current owner of the landfill, the MGP, and other three parcels is CSX Transportation, Inc. (CSXT).