* Tuesday, August 27, 2019  
This page will be updated regularly as information becomes available. 

Latest Update

The primary incident objectives continue to be fighting the fire, minimizing impact to public health and evaluating potential environmental impacts.  

Today’s Observations

Air Quality in the area, including at Okatie Elementary, were Good on the Air Quality Index. 

Onsite EPA activities continued to focus on putting the fire out while minimizing runoff. They have continued using a vacuum truck to capture water and send it directly to the sanitary sewer system for treatment.

Water Quality Studies

As referenced in the August 16, 2019 update, recent samples taken in this watershed have identified elevated levels of fecal coliform bacteria. While not associated with the Able Contracting Fire, SCDES has commenced an assessment on ambient fecal coliform bacteria levels and potential source(s). More information about this assessment can be found here.

Additionally, SCDES is investigating potential off-site impacts from the Able Contacting Fire to surface waters in the Upper Okatie watershed.  This second assessment will address chemical inputs to water, sediment and biological tissue (oysters). Additionally, this assessment will focus on determination of analyte concentrations and associated source(s). The assessment has commenced and will continue over the next several weeks. More information about this assessment can be found here

The results from both of these assessments will be made available on the SCDES webpage once all the data results have been received and evaluated by the Department.

Total Trucks through 8/26512
Total Tons through 8/264,842
Trucks as of 3:00 PM 8/2753
Tons as of 3:00 PM 8/27530

Please note: The number of trucks leaving the site each day varies depending on the weather and firefighting activities. Also, the tons per truck are estimated on days when landfill receipts are not available at the time of this update.

Smoke forecast for Wednesday, August 28, 2019:

A light southerly wind this evening will likely shift to a westerly direction by mid-morning Wednesday, which should shift the Able fire smoke plume generally toward the east during that time. Overnight noticeable smoke is a possibility, and light wind speeds may allow smoke concentrations to increase during the overnight to mid-morning period. Before sunrise, there is a possibility of smoke to the north of the Able facility, particularly near Schinger Ave, Pearlstine Drive, and 3000 block of Argent Blvd. Beyond mid-morning on Wednesday, slight vertical mixing should disperse the smoke plume as winds shift more from the westerly direction during the afternoon. Please note that locations closest to the Able Contracting Recycling facility along Schinger Avenue are more likely to experience smoke at any given time.

The Able Contracting Information Hotline has been established to provide the daily forecast and allow community members to leave messages if they have additional questions. The Smoke Forecast Hotline phone number is 803-898-4262 or 1-800‐204-1842.  

Please click here for real-time data from the air sensors.

For media inquiries: media@dhec.sc.gov.
For other inquiries: ablefire@dhec.sc.gov

Previous Able Contracting Updates

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This page will be updated regularly as information becomes available.