Community Engagement 

SCDES welcomes the opportunity to have meaningful dialogue with all of our stakeholders as we continue to ensure the health of the public and our environment are promoted and protected. SCDES is committed to stakeholder engagement and has been working closely with residents, elected officials and other local organizations to ensure ongoing dialogue. We encourage interested persons to stay involved by attending meetings, asking questions, and staying engaged at the local, state, and federal levels. 

Public Meeting

DHEC held a joint public meeting and hearing to provide updates on June 6, 2023. 

As part of our commitment to keeping the community informed, DHEC held a public meeting to share information about proposed renewals of the air quality and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for Westinghouse on Thursday, September 26, 2019.

At the meeting, DHEC staff provided a brief overview of enhanced requirements in the draft renewal permits and answered questions from community members.    

DHEC is accepting public comments on both permit renewals through October 11, 2019. Comments on the draft air quality permit may be submitted to Comments on the draft NPDES permit may be submitted to . Additional information about the draft permits, including the applications and supporting documentation, can be found on SCDES’s Regulatory Roles page under the Bureau of Air Quality and Bureau of Water sections. 

Community Meeting

Westinghouse Public Meeting Photo 7-25-19

On July 25, 2019, DHEC hosted a community meeting to provide a general overview of the Westinghouse site and prior environmental investigations, information about the requirements of DHEC Consent Agreement 19-02-HW, and DHEC’s next steps. 

Westinghouse Community Meeting Presentation - July 25, 2019

Westinghouse Community Meeting Agenda - July 25, 2019

Community Resources 

Contact Us 

For questions concerning SCDES’s oversight of the Westinghouse facility, please contact: 

Kim Kuhn, Project Manager 
State Remediation Program 
2600 Bull Street 
Columbia, SC  29201 
Phone: (803) 898-0722

For questions concerning SCDES’s community outreach efforts with the Westinghouse site, please contact: 

Keisha Long, Environmental Justice Coordinator 
Office of Environmental Affairs 
2600 Bull Street 
Columbia, SC  29201 
Phone:  (803) 898-0774