The Former Vermont Bosch site includes approximately 24 acres and is located at 800 Woodside Avenue in Fountain Inn, South Carolina. The site is located northwest of the intersection of Highway 418 (McCarter Road) and Woodside Avenue. The facility consists of a 125,000 square foot building located in the center of the property. The area surrounding the site is a mix of industrial and commercial properties, residential properties, and undeveloped land. 

The site was developed as a manufacturing plant in 1984 and began operations in 1985 as Rosco Tools, a division of Vermont American Corporation, which subsequently became Robert Bosch Tool Corporation (RTBC). Three primary manufacturing processes were performed at the facility which included screwdriver handles, screwdriver heads and spade bits. Metalworking operations included lathes and other machining equipment as well as salt bath heat treatment, filters to separate grinding swarf, vapor degreasing and nickel plating. Plastic operations included compounding, pellet storage, and the use of acetone. An oil water separator was used in line with the sanitary sewer discharge. Manufacturing operations ceased in November 2003 and the facility was vacant until September 2005 when it was sold to Fountain Inn Investments. The site is currently owned by Wirthwein Real Estate, LLC. South Carolina Plastics, LLC, a subsidiary of Wirthwein, currently manufactures parts for the automotive industry. 

Environmental assessments completed at the site have confirmed releases of volatile organic compounds, semi volatile organics, and metals.  The primary contaminants of concern are tetrachloroethene (PCE), methylene chloride, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).  

Soil and Groundwater Contamination 

Assessment of soil contamination was conducted over multiple investigations dating back to 1996. The nature and extent of impacts to surface and subsurface soil were delineated during completion of the Remedial Investigation (March 2016 and July 2017). PCE soil contamination above soil screening levels (SSLs) was found on-site in the vicinity of Area of Concern #9 (Former Hazardous Waste Accumulation Building).  

Groundwater and soil at the site are contaminated by VOCs and SVOCs with PCE as high as 1900 ug/l at monitoring well MW-09-07. Groundwater contamination extends from MW-09-9 to the unnamed tributary to Stoddard Creek. PCE was detected in four locations along the unnamed tributary that exceed MCLs.  PCE was detected at location SW-09-04 as high as 58 ug/l.  

DHEC’s Preferred Cleanup Alternative 

DHEC has identified a preferred alternative to address the contamination in both soil and groundwater at the site. The preferred remedial alternative is Alternative 3 which is a combination of In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) with In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) using Zero Valent Iron.  

The former hazardous waste accumulation building concrete pad would be removed.  Unsaturated soil within a 640 sq foot area would be excavated and temporarily stockpiled on site. ISCO blending would be conducted in the deep treatment zone using potassium permanganate. Following soil sampling to confirm successful treatment, stabilization of the deep treatment zone would be conducted using Portland cement. Stockpiled soil would be placed back into the excavation for ISCO blending followed by soil sampling and stabilization.  

ISCR using ZVI would be conducted for source area and downgradient groundwater contamination. A direct push drill rig would inject granular ZVI into 10 foot spaced borings situated in perpendicular rows along the axis of the groundwater plume. Injections would be up to 30 feet bgs. The total estimated net present worth of this alternative is approximately $480,500. 

Administrative Record 

The Administrative Record (AR) includes historic and recent documents used by DHEC in its oversight role. These documents are provided below for convenient access by those who are interested in learning more about the site.  The AR can also be viewed at the local library in Fountain Inn, SC. 

August 2022 – Proposed Plan for Site Remediation 

Historical Documents: 

Additional Information 

Questions about the site or cleanup of the soil and groundwater contamination may be directed to: 

Cynde Devlin 
Phone: (803) 898-0816  

How to Submit Comments 

DHEC will accept comments on the Proposed Plan and all cleanup options considered through October 10, 2022. Written comments may be submitted by email or U.S. Mail to: 

Cynde Devlin, Project Manager  
2600 Bull Street  
Columbia SC 29202  

Virtual Public Meeting 

DHEC held a virtual public meeting on September 8, 2022 at 6:30 pm to share information and discuss the cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination at the Former Vermont Bosch Site.