Proposed Project

The purpose of the project is to construct a primary access to an island for a single-family residential homesite located at a terminus of Hagan Road, Meggett in Charleston County. The project includes the construction of a 385' x 15' pile-supported vehicular bridge to the island that initiates at this terminus of an access easement on the mainland and completely spans critical area to the island. Also included in the review of this permit application is the construction of a dock on Toogoodoo Creek which consists of a 765' x 4' walkway with handrails, a 12.5' x 12.5' (157 SF) covered fixed pierhead, a 28’ x 4’ ramp to access a 30' x 8' floating dock section and a 25' x 8' floating dock section.  

Community Engagement

Virtual Public Hearing

DHEC held a virtual public hearing to receive comments on the proposed Bay Light LLC Critical Area Permit Application on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 6:00 pm. Written comments were accepted through close of business (5:00 p.m.) on March 16, 2022.  

What to Expect After the Public Hearing

The public comment period closed and DHEC OCRM staff are continuing to review the application submittal. DHEC’s final permit decision will be made available on this webpage and by email or mail to everyone on DHEC’s mailing list who requested to be notified of the final Department decision for the proposed Bay Light LLC Critical Area Permit.  

Contact Information

For technical information regarding the critical area permit application, please contact Sarah Reed at (843) 953-0269 or