As part of the permitting process, SCDES engages surrounding communities and the general public prior to making a final permit decision in order to:

  1. Provide information about proposed permitted activities in their communities;
  2. Give community members and other interested parties an opportunity to submit relevant information to SCDES for consideration prior to making a final permit decision; and
  3. Provide an opportunity to submit other concerns to the attention of SCDES and the applicant.  

Public meetings and public hearings are methods SCDES uses to hear concerns and receive comments during the permitting process.  A public meeting is an informal conversation with SCDES staff to include questions and answers (Q&A). A public hearing is a formal opportunity for comments to be stated and recorded by a court reporter.

SCDES held virtual public meetings on the proposed ArborNature transfer station on September 10 and 24, 2020. A virtual public hearing was also held on October 22, 2020. These events were conducted using a virtual platform in a live-event setting in order to follow local, state, and federal guidelines for social distancing and avoid group gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recordings of all SCDES virtual public events were posted below prior to the end of the public comment period.  SCDES also extended the period to submit public comments through November 5, 2020. 

SCDES values all comments received during the permitting process and is committed to addressing and considering all relevant information prior to making a final permit decision. Public input is an important part of the permitting process and can result in changes to permit conditions and operational practices if a permit is issued. 

Public Meeting #1 - September 10, 2020

DHEC held a virtual public meeting on September 10, 2020, at 6:30 pm to discuss the proposed transfer station and answer questions in an informal setting. DHEC staff shared information about the proposed operation and DHEC’s permitting process and answered questions from attendees.  

ArborNature Public Meeting Presentation - September 10, 2020
ArborNature Public Meeting Recording - September 10, 2020
ArborNature Public Meeting Feedback Form - September 10, 2020 
ArborNature Public Meeting Transcript - September 10, 2020

Public Meeting #2 - September 24, 2020

DHEC held a virtual public meeting on September 24, 2020, at 6:30 pm to discuss the proposed transfer station and answer questions in an informal setting. DHEC staff shared information about the proposed operation and DHEC’s permitting process and answered questions from attendees.

ArborNature Public Meeting Presentation - September 24, 2020
ArborNature Public Meeting Recording - September 24, 2020
ArborNature Public Meeting Feedback Form - September 24, 2020
ArborNature Public Meeting Transcript - September 24, 2020

Public Hearing Teleconference - October 22, 2020

DHEC held a public hearing teleconference on October 22, 2020, to accept oral comments and supporting information on the draft permit for the proposed ArborNature Transfer Station. The afternoon session began at 12:00 pm and consisted of five 1-hour segments with up to eight registered commenters per hour. The evening session began at 6:30 pm. 

ArborNature Public Hearing Pre-Recorded Presentation
ArborNature Public Hearing Presentation Slides
ArborNature Public Hearing Recording 
ArborNature Public Hearing Procedures
ArborNature Public Hearing Feedback Form
ArborNature Public Hearing Transcript

We recognize many local residents have concerns that are not within SCDES’s permitting authority, such as truck traffic, noise, zoning, and potential impacts to property values, which may affect a community’s quality of life. Although SCDES does not have the authority to regulate or consider these concerns when making a permit decision, we encourage community members to engage in ongoing conversations with local officials and company representatives to find solutions and reach common goals. For example:  

  • Truck traffic, access to public roads, weight limits, and traffic patterns are governed by the South Carolina Department of Transportation and the county. 
  • Operating hours and industrial development are governed by the county through zoning and land use planning. 

What to Expect After a Public Hearing

Once a public comment period closes, SCDES reviews and considers all comments received to determine if any modifications should be made to the permit application or draft permit. SCDES’s final decision to either approve, modify, or deny a permit is made available to everyone on SCDES’s mailing list. A summary response to all comments received is also provided.