Community Meeting

In partnership with Anderson County, DHEC held a community meeting on January 31, 2017, to discuss the Corrective Action Plan for the Plantation Pipe Line spill that occurred on Lewis Drive.

DHEC Surface Water Sampling Event

In response to community concerns that contamination from the Plantation Pipe Line Lewis Drive petroleum release had migrated downstream, DHEC coordinated a surface water sampling event with Anderson County.  On February 28, 2017, DHEC collected surface water samples to determine if contaminants related to the petroleum release had migrated downstream to Broadway Lake.  Representatives from Plantation Pipe Line and Anderson County's Stormwater Management Department also participated in the sampling event. DHEC's data from this sampling event did not detect petroleum contaminants above risk-based screening levels downstream from the release site to Broadway Lake. Additional information related to the sampling event, including maps of the sampling locations and analysis results of all samples, can be found on the Surface Water Sampling Event page.

Community Meeting

On May 22, 2017, DHEC held a community meeting to provide updates on corrective actions taken since the last community meeting on January 31, 2017, share and discuss the results of the February 28, 2017 sampling event, and discuss the next steps in cleanup and monitoring activities.

Additional Resources
