ESOP conducts radiological airborne sampling for contaminants that can affect the public through exposures from releases of chemicals associated with SRS. Radiological atmospheric monitoring sites (Ambient Air Monitoring locations) are positioned on and around SRS to provide spatial coverage where public exposure could occur.
ESOP’s monitoring capabilities include operating and maintaining multiple air monitoring stations located on SRS, around its perimeter, and within 25 miles of its boundary. These stations utilize glass fiber filters, rain pans, silica gel columns, and dosimeters to study what is present in the air.
The glass fiber filters collect total airborne particulates and are screened weekly for gross alpha- and gross beta-emitting radionuclides by DHEC’s Analytical and Radiological Environmental Services Division (ARESD) Lab.
Each month precipitation found in the rain pans and silica gel distillates saturated with atmospheric moisture are collected and analyzed for tritium. DHEC’s Midlands Aiken Environmental Affairs (EA) office houses a tritium laboratory that performs the tritium analyses. The dosimeters are collected quarterly and are analyzed for ambient beta-gamma levels by a contract laboratory.