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Site History The former Hoechst Celanese site has been used for various industrial operations by multiple owners since 1966. A dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) production facility and a polyester fiber production facility have both previously operated at the site. (DMT is a primary ingredient used in manufacturing polyesters and industrial plastics.) New ly, Auriga Polymers, Inc. operates the main part of the site for polyester manufacturing. Auriga is permitted by SCDES and inspected on a regular basis.

The contractor for Hoechst Celanese, AECOM, will be on-site during the second and third weeks of December installing additional monitoring wells to further delineate the off-site chloroform groundwater contamination from the Hoechst Celanese site. The work plan Auriga Spartanburg Off-Site Plan 2012 for the additional wells was submitted and approved by SCDES in August 2012. Residents can expect to see trucks and rigs in the area while this work is being conducted.

Groundwater from the site seeps into creeks and the Pacolet River. SCDES has concluded these water bodies are safe based on the data collected to date.

Assessment and Remediation

SCDES has directed past and ongoing work at the site to determine the extent of the contamination (assessment) and to clean up the groundwater and source areas (remediation). Hoechst is responsible for cleaning up the contamination and has been cooperative in these efforts

Sampling and Monitoring

Sampling has been conducted on the soil, groundwater, surface water, and sediments. The primary contaminants of concern at the site are 1,4 dioxane, DowTherm A (1,1 biphenyl and biphenyl ether), and various chlorinated solvents, including chloroform. Over 200 monitoring wells located both on and off-site have been installed and sampled to understand and define the groundwater contamination. Ongoing surface water and groundwater sampling monitor the movement and natural breakdown of the contaminants and the effectiveness of cleanup efforts.

Historic Groundwater Plumes

Although the sources of groundwater contamination have been removed, several areas of contamination still remain onsite. These areas are called plumes. In general, most of the plumes discharge to streams that surround the site. Some contamination has occasionally been detected in the surface water below state and federal standards.

Most of the plumes have multiple contaminants in them. Past groundwater pumping (cleanup) operations have reduced the concentration of these contaminants in many areas. Additionally, some of the contaminants are being broken down naturally. However, these processes do not break down a few of the contaminants. These few contaminants are being monitored for movement both onsite and off-site.

Chloroform has been detected in off-site groundwater. Although some areas of chloroform contamination have been cleaned up, additional work is needed to address the plume that remains.

Next Steps

  • SCDES has asked Hoechst to conduct a complete assessment of the off-site chloroform plume and develop plans to further clean it up.
  • Hoechst will continue to monitor, and conduct additional monitoring, to evaluate where contaminants appear to be increasing.
  • SCDES has asked Hoechst to do a follow-up study on the sediment and macroinvertebrate results to determine the source of the chemicals in the sediment. The study will also evaluate the effects of the chemicals in sediment, on aquatic life in the stream and if the chemicals may be a threat to human health.
  • SCDES will continue to evaluate the cleanup methods being used.
  • SCDES and Hoechst will continue to monitor the possibility of impacts of groundwater contamination on off-site drinking water wells.
  • SCDES region staff will continue to investigate any complaints from residents.