An advisory is issued when SCDES determines by sampling and analysis that mercury exceeds safe limits for consuming those fish.

What Is An Advisory?

  • An advisory is the advice given for how much of a certain type of fish you should eat in a particular waterbody.
  • Advisories will be one of the following: 8 oz of raw fish is size of 2 decks of cards
    • No Restrictions - eat as many as you'd like of that fish from that waterbody.
    • One meal a week - only eat that type of fish once in that week and eat no other fish with an advisory within that same week.
    • One meal a month - only eat that type of fish once in that month and eat no other fish with an advisory within that same month.
    • Do Not Eat Any - you should not eat any of that type of fish from that waterbody

Portion Sizes

  • All advisories are based on 1 meal of fish
  • 1 meal of fish = ½ pound or 8 ounces of uncooked fish
  • 8 ounces of uncooked fish = about the size of 2 decks of playing cards