Fuel combustion operations may be eligible for coverage under the registration permit or general conditional major permit if the facility is comprised of any of the following:
- Boilers;
- Emergency generators;
- Non-emergency generators;
- Examples: peak-shaving generators
- Fuel Storage tanks;
- Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers (hospitals only); and
- Sources exempt under S.C. Regulation 61-62.1, Section II(B).
Registration Permit
- Maximum size for a single boiler burning fuels other than natural gas and propane is limited to 30 million BTU/hr heat input capacity;
- The total capacity of all boilers on site is limited to 100 million BTU/hr heat input capacity;
- Fuel combustion sources at the facility must be fired on natural gas, propane, virgin No. 2 fuel oil, virgin diesel, and biodiesel that meets ASTM D-6751;
- Non-emergency generators are certified by the manufacturer to meet EPA’s nonroad diesel engine emission standards/tiers;
- To be exempt from modeling, non-emergency generators are limited to operating no more than 500 hours per year; and
- Facility is a true minor source.
General Conditional Major Operating Permit
- Maximum size of a single boiler must be less than 100 million BTU/hr rated input capacity.
- Only the following fuels may be used: natural gas, propane, virgin fuel oil (sulfur content equal to or less than 2.1% by weight), biodiesel that meets ASTM D-6751 and used spec oil as defined in S.C. Regulation 61-62.1, Section I.
- Each criteria pollutant is limited to less than 100 tons per year (TPY);
- Single hazardous air pollutant (HAP) is limited to less than 10 TPY; and
- Combined HAPs are limited to less than 25 TPY.
How Do I Apply for the General or Registration Permit?
Paper applications for all non-Title V sources will no longer be accepted after Feb. 1, 2025. All submissions should be submitted through ePermitting.*
*If operations, normally covered by construction permits, are located in one of the eight coastal counties of the Coastal Zone under SCDES-Bureau of Coastal Management's jurisdiction (Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper), then a coastal zone consistency certification may be required.
Emission Estimator Tools
- Fuel Combustion Calculator - this spreadsheet calculates Criteria Pollutant emissions from combustion sources using emission factors.
Reporting Tool
- Fuel Combustion Record and Reporting Worksheet: this spreadsheet calculates 12 month rolling sum emissions for fuel combustion sources.