A Larger Common Plan (LCP) is "broadly defined as any announcement or piece of documentation (including a sign, public notice or hearing, sales pitch, advertisement, drawing, permit application, zoning request, computer design, etc.) or physical demarcation (including boundary signs, lot stakes, surveyor markings, etc.) indicating construction activities may occur on a specific plot."

63 Federal Register No. 128, July 6, 1998, p. 36491

For example, if master calculations have been prepared and/or submitted for an entire site, then all phases and parcels at that site would be considered part of an LCP. If the site is part of a subdivision, industrial park, commercial park, etc., then it is considered to be part of an LCP.

Any land-disturbing activities, including clearing, grading or excavating, on any site considered part of a Larger Common Plan, based on the definition above, would be required to obtain coverage under the NPDES Construction General Permit even if the land-disturbing activities resulted in a disturbed area of less than one (1) acre.


Waters of the State

This term broadly applies to any body of water within the territorial limits of the State.


Final Stabilization

In order to terminate NPDES coverage the site must achieve 70% permanent vegetative cover.



Site Inspections are required to be conducted by a certified inspector until NPDES coverage is terminated.